advice / feedback of RX8???

hi guys,today i finaly found the forum again!
My friend is thinking about purchasing a 04 Mazda RX8. What do u guys think about this car? any pros and cons? Any feedback will be appreciated~~
Thx guys ~

I have no idea how much your friend knows or doesn’t know but…

For fun ( Top Gear - RX8 ):

For a bit of study:


If he is willing to pay for something like that…go for it. I would say buy something else…like a pimp 240.

look into the recal on the engines.

something to do with bad apex seals i belive.

Buy an FD Not the Mazda Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile

Ew. Why Mazda got into the whole “let’s make all our cars look the same!”

Now, even your sports cars can share the same prestige as the mini vans!

No turbo option, bigger, heavier, longer. The handling is nice, but that’s not enough really.

G35 > rx8

what about the engine ?
coz i have heard so many bad things about the engine,
things like use so many gas, can’t stop the engine b4 it warm up, for example move car from spot to spot then turn it off, that might coz the engine “flood” or somthing ~ any input on that ?

haha yea the car exhibits the same issues that an 87 n/a fc would…

the number of issues and recalls the car has had are unbelivable.


SR w/ basic bolt ons is faster than an RX8

KA with minor turbo set up running well is faster than RX8

both cost 1/4 as much as RX8.

My I30 is faster than a stock auto RX8.

In a straight line of course.

“The RX-8 is a slow POS.” Which is exactly why it lapped Top Gear’s test track in the exact same time as the 350Z and M3. You guys are a sad bunch of haters. It’s great to sit in, it’s great to drive, and it’s affordable. I’d rather have an S2000 b/c I don’t care in the slightest for practicality, and don’t mind having another car for the winter, but if you can’t be bothered buying a beater, the RX-8 is better.

if hes thinking of an rx8…the g35 or 350z would be the better choice for a car in somewhat of the same price range.

It’s SO not in the same price range.
RX-8 $37,195 vs 350Z $49,798 vs G35C $47,200

rx8 is weak on torque. but revving it up to 9k is so fun n its smooth

Tell him to go for it if he really likes it then its his choice. Personally if i had the money i would buy one over a 350z but since i have no money lol ill stick to my rx-7’s and 240’s.

That’s right, I forgot how many Sonlings have the talents of the Stig.

Sad bunch of haters?

Have you driven one?

Compared to the FD, it is an abomination. It is an attempt to take a niche market car and sell more of them.

And an '03 350Z is not $50gs.

He’s also asking for opinions on the first run of the RX8, which, as we all know was plagued with problems. Like any new platform.

Besides, when you buy a new car, it’s not how much you spend, it’s how much you owe.

Would you really want to get into $500 a month payments on top of insurance and everything else, for a car that’s warranty is up and will cost you boatloads in repairs?

You’re off about $10 000 on the 350Z.

Yes, because Nissan Canada’s official website is full of shit.

mr200 - I have driven an RX-8. I LIKED it.
And I don’t see why Sonlings need or don’t need to have the talent of the Stig. If the same person manages the same time in both cars, that means that they are pretty close to eachother performance wise. It’s not like I ran the 350Z and M3 times and the Stig ran the RX-8 time.
Yea it sucks compared to an FD, but so what? An FD sucks compared to an F430, that doesn’t mean it’s a bad car.

Rx-8 is a bitches car… just like the Miata

well, rx8 insurance is also cheaper isnt it? because its a “5door” car. More like 3.5 doors but i sat in an rx8 a couple times and i found the power sufficient. The main selling point would be the insurance if what i said above is true.