Advice [home audio problems]

My friends and I have a speaker system at our house. Its hooked up and has 6 speakers and 1 sub hooked up to the main box. This was all done by a professional a while ago and we have never had any problems.

But lately when we turn it up really loud to 70(80 is the max) it just shuts off, sometimes even when the volume is lower. I checked the wiring and everything seems to be good. Just wondering what it could be or what I should look for. Thanks.



Did you recently put anything on top of the box? I’d hit it with an airgun, and make sure there is a good 3" of opening around it for air flow.

nothing is on top of it, but where it is set is in a tv stand. the top of the box of the stand that is above it is probably 2"-3". it does however get hot, not super hot but hot non the less, heat was my first thought but i really dont know what to do to fix it if thats the case

One of your speakers could be shitting the bed.

Could be a bad speaker, could be the unit itself overheating. Is it displaying any codes or anything?

It sounds like it’s going into protection mode.

70/80?!?!?!? That’s pretty crazy there. I know with mine if I turn it up more than 3/4 I start getting distortion through the speakers; not to mention it’s just stupidly loud.

You most likely have a voice coil that is shorting in a speaker. Disconnect the speakers one by one and see if the receiver shuts off. If it does not shut off when one of the speakers is disconnected. That speaker is shorting, go get it repaired. (of course you are smart enough to check all the speakers right?) If the receiver does not shut off when any single speaker is disconnected you are overdriving the receiver and it is dieing, so get the receiver fixed. If you have a self powered sub… it is not the sub.

it will most likely be a bad speaker because i didnt even think about it but one of our speakers is most definitely going bad and we knew this. i never thought to connect the two as being the problem. i am going to disconnect it and see if it solves the problem. ill update this after i do. thanks for all the help so far guys