LOL…I braught up the lortab/valium just as an fyo…I am an EMT, I know alittle bit about what not to mix. Oh yeah, Tylenal is basicly Acetominophen, it actually is not recomended for hangovers due to the risk of liver damage, this is because the alcohal which is weakening you liver is still being flushed out of your system, then the acetominophen puts it under more stress…as BikerFry explained ealier, possably leading to liver failure. As far as asprine and alcohal, wont kill you, not good for you. Like it was stated earlier in the thread, just call any pharmacy and ask them, they will let you know what is an ok and what is a bad mix. Some meds say dont mix with alcohal just because it intensifies the effects…like my meds, im drunk after 4 drinks lol…and I love it lol.