After six years....

so…who are fucktards and who are dicksucks cause im confused??:shrug:

I don’t think it’s possible to be both…but I could be wrong

At least I’m not a dirty whore. Thank goodness.


Where is Beyonce Knowles when we need her sisterly love:(


ha this is awesome…

So if you’re such a genius, I have a few questions for ya:

  • What’s your actual IQ?
  • Through what means was this number attained? (mandated tests, online tests, etc)
  • Was this before or during your 6 years of smoking pot?
  • If you’re sooooo smart, why did you start smokinig to begin with? I’d figure you’re smarter than that.
  • Did you even go to the Air Force Academy?.. oh wait, you probably would have been nailed for possession and possibly distribution.
  • Why, in the name of God and all that his Holy, did you think it would be a good idea to brag about the fact that you’re quitting (during the weekdays only) your use/abuse of an illegal drug?

On the positive side… congrats on the first step to quitting all together. I partook in my share of drugs during highschool… was not the smartest decision in my live. That’s about all I can say on this side of the fence.

SoloIIscoob :

I am happy you have decided that smoking weed is a bad habit that you need to get rid of. I applaud you for not smoking.

Now that you have found out that you are a genious when not high, I would ask you to consider the following link: CLICK HERE

Read it very carefully.

Normally, the University @ Buffalo doesn’t care what you do on it’s network. You could run a DC++ porn server for all they care. As long as you don’t do something illegal, impede other students, and nobody from the outside complains about something you did all will be well.

Don’t you hate when people complain? I do.

Currently, the administrator of this site has an email in his inbox. In this email are a couple things:

-Your full name

-Your IP address, and the MAC address you authenticated tonight when logging on to the UBIT network

  • Your Resident Assistant’s name and phone number

  • and a whole lot of other stuff.

Basically, the scenario is that the administrator of NYSPEED makes the call, and the wheels would start to turn. The difference here is that the wheels won’t be turning slowly. The usual footwork for tracking you down has already been done. Right down to the exact switch on the 4th floor of Spaulding 2 that has the MAC Address table for your machine. This shitstorm (if a call was made) would launch very similar to you launching your Scooby off the line at about 5500 RPM. The suspension of your UBIT account is just the beginning of the shitstorm, assuming a call was made and a complaint was filed. You are a genious, so I think you can figure what would happen after that.

You remember the phrase, the squeaky wheel gets the oil? Well since the 9/11 tragedy computer security policies at major universities (especially the ones that do big government research) have been a lot tighter in recent years. Nowadays, the slightest squeak gets people up and running. They tend to oil first, ask questions later. Know what I mean? Stupid things like pissing off some random internet board administrator are now taken seriously. Sad really, but true.

Now I can fully understand that you hate the “fucktards” on this site. There are other people that feel the same way. These people have started doing some things on this site to make it better for the TRUE car enthusiast. Mainly, they stay out of offtopic. They focus their posting in the Technical, Motorsports, and (sometimes) General Auto forums. They bring real tech, and real car discussion. The idea is REAL car talk will make this board better for the REAL car enthusiast (Whether or not we can agree on import vs domestic, I4 v.s V8, etc).

Since you participate in SOLO, you probably have something positive to bring to the table. So I will invite you to bring something positive to this site and save it from the “fucktards”. Because right now it’s headed down a slippery slope, and we need all the help we can get. Or you can just go back to being so stoned that you stop posting all together. Either one is fine by me, because both choices will remove unnecessary drama from my day to day life. I hope that you will help me help you enjoy your stay here at NYSPEED.

For your sake, I hope the administrator of this site doesn’t want to see whos internet cock is bigger.

I think it would be a good idea if this thread just faded into irrelevance. We all had our fun, and maybe 2 of you got a good laugh out of it.

Can we not do this again? Please?


P.S. I would like it very much if this is the last post in this sad thread. I trust that you people are mature enough to just let it die, and I don’t have to set an all time new record for locking posts and banning people.

Good Night.

Tee hee hee

I shall let this one go. The Forum members will know what is up.


Hey man, you ever thought that people are just being honest right back to you?


Careful falling off that horse, it’s a pretty far drop from where you are…

Never look a gift horse in the mouth,or any other horse for that matter.

Thank you, i will take your advice down to every word. If you noticed, i did, tell everyone, which was immature and unnecessary, which i am sorry for, but i felt that they were being very immature about something i took very seriously.
When it went too far, i said one last thing and said i am done with it. which i am. i have not replied to any statements since my last post.
I apologize for any inconvience anyone felt that they received. i was trying to be civil, but ended up turning into one of the people i dislike seeing on this forum. i immaturely belittled people and am regretful i did so. please EVERYONE accept my apology and understand that in the heat of the moment i took it too far.
thank you for your understnanding.

again, i am very sorry to everyone, i just wanted to tell all of you i am trying to becomce a better person but i ended up just making it worse. please accept my apologies.

^^that is much better. :tup: Nobody likes an attention whore.

Good luck with all that…it’s not easy, but very do-able…especially if all of your friends are into that.

i thought the squeaky wheel got the grease… not the oil…

lol… damn ppl need to grow up

a-fucking-men. you want drama, take it to that other bullshit site. :tup: to the mods for actually “modding” the situation and doing so in a mature and professional manner. help keep this forum’s DQ (drama quotient) low, don’t stoop to personal attacks.

I smoked herbal supplements until one day I realized I what I was becoming. that was over five years ago. congrats on the first step.


SoloIIscoob: I’m with you on the original post here. I used to smoke all the time, but when I stopped, I seriously felt a whole lot smarter and I found that I can work harder. I’m not gonna go as far as saying I’m a genious, but there is a noticeable diffference.

educate yourself

wow this thread makes me laugh. And not just because scoob…

weed is good

thats my post