ahh my car just died i need help


I was listening to really loud music on the honda and it died. It has happened maybe once or twice before where it turned off while I was driving when listening to really loud music for a long time, but it turned back on and it was a really isolated incident so I didn’t think anything of it.

Well yesterday it just turned off and now wouldn’t turn back on. It cranks but won’t catch. I tried boosting it and it didn’t start so it’s not battery/alt. Hell maybe its something completely random not related to the music thing.

Any ideas? I know it can be fuel/spark… but I’m a noob so I don’t know how to check.

Basically I’m asking for advice, or if anyone wants to come have a quick look at it for me (its parked by dundas & royal york, i can provide transportation), or if anyone has towing hookups (i’ll just tow it to closest shop, less than 10 mins) because I sure as hell won’t be able to figure this out.



thats fucked… same thing happened to my friend this summer actually.

it ended up being bad grounds actually… check the ecu grounds and the motor to chassis grounds.


hm… i may suggest that you invest in a new alternator. The boosting that you tried previously should have verified the situation with the ground. It wouldn’t hurt though to give it another shot. did you check the fuses? I doubt there is an issue but take a look at the harness.


towed it home with my mom’s car: (civic is on the right)


oh no vadim, you had to tow it home with your moms benz :.

fyi ignitors go bad in those cars quite easily and at random, my friend let his girl friend move his 92 si, she stalled it it wouldn’t start again, turned out the iginitor had died. and this has happend to many other people i know at random for no reaon also

so i’d definately check that, in a honda i belive it’s inside the distributor

so thats how you use those tow hooks…

^^tries to find that video on streetfire where that geo metro gets completly destroyed from being pulled out of a snowbank

EDIT: found :lol: Here it the PROPER way to tow your car.


i love it.

they could have just used a shovel…