airsoft, and trying out the new cam

The airsoft organizations around WNY are an absolute joke.

I used to be pretty into it and it flopped from being a fun time to being a business ran by crooks.

Plenty of the core players(the ones that helped make the airsofting in this area what it is) simply dropped playing because everything got so fucked up.

airsoft is no joke!! shot my friend with one in the neck on accident and left a really nice bruise that bled pretty bad

so how does this game work? just honor system?

great details hanzel

and btw: anyone that didn’t think the picture of this fat fuck was a joke:


yes, which is why it really matters who you play with, most people cheat, which is why you need to by a WTFFPS gun so they must scream in pain when hit

Just shoot for the neck, they always scream when you shoot them in the neck regardless of FPS, just ask old George ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^, I lit him up good 3 weeks ago.

Looks like a fun time. Nice pics.

what do you mean by a joke? this guy plays with my buddies, i’ll give it to ya, he’s dam strange lol

Kinda wondering the same thing. I can see a lot of people bitching “YOU NEVER SHOT ME FAG!”

that does happen, but next time they are on the field, they usually get shot more than once if you know what i mean

this would have been alot of fun when i was a kid playing cops and robbers… wayyy too many arguments of ‘i shot you’, ‘no you didnt’ and shit… i could have just searched for a welt.

Seems like it would be cool to play just hard to play accurately… I guess if you don’t get hung up on “winning” and just enjoy shooting your friends in the face then it should be all good.

hmmmmm…any girls play this? could be an interesting pickup line.

I just somehow seeing this game like LAIR from Role Models.

actually a few of the guys GF’s play yes lol