I did this and was pulled over with my one SKS in my Corvette. The cop hassled me for 1.5 hours over it all. He pulled me over initially for going 5 mph over on the 90.
I had the gun safely seated between the two seats in my car. When the cop saw it as he walked up to the window he jumped like 15 feet, almost into traffic. I laughed a little thinking to myself that if I was going to shoot him, he would already be dead.
I told him the law, he didn’t believe me, took my gun and kept it in his car. He told my fiancee she was dating a criminal… I don’t know where that came from.
1.5 hours later, he gives me the gun back, and says it all checks out, but that I shouldn’t be driving around with it… I ask him how am I supposed to take it shooting then…he looks at me with a blank stare and hands me my 5 over ticket. What a joke.
FYI the gun was unloaded and the bolt was removed. DURP
Really? I thought the Russian (not Soviet) Kalashnikov was the best built? How is the “quality” determined?
I’ve fired a Romanian version, and yes, that was a pretty rough rifle. Felt like the barrel bounced around in the chassis, like the center of gravity shifted randomly after each round. I wasn’t really on a range so I couldn’t tell you if that was a feeling or a fact.
Its a points system. The weapon cant have more than 2 of the following or its considered an assault weapon to NYS…detachable magazine, pistol grip, collapsible stock, bayonet lug or flash supressor. My m14 has a flash supressor and a detachable mag, my shotgun has a pistol grip and bayonet lug, my m4a3 and ak47 have a pistol grip and detachable mag, ect…
how do you like your M14? I’ve been contemplating getting something along the lines of an AK Mxx. Not really into the AR15 and M16s. I wan’t a bigger round and something with some ass to it. Thoughts on your M14. :tup:
The flash suppressor is only there to hide the muzzle flash from the “enemy.”
There is absolutely no annoyance when firing a weapon without one.
The M14 is my favorite rifle in my collection. It is a very accurate (to 1000 yds) and very reliable weapon. i have fired thousands of rounds through it and it has never jammed. But it is also a big and heavy rifle. It would be a bitch to carry it and its heavy ammo in battle so i can see why the M16 replaced it. I believe Marine Corp sniper units still use them though. Just be forewarned…they are not cheap.
i have a AK47 BullPup that im trying to sell. if anyones intrested let me know. fully moded with all the goodies. comes with 30 and a 40 roung mag. everythings legal. pictured with the 40 mag.
i have a AK47 BullPup that im trying to sell. if anyones intrested let me know. fully moded with all the goodies. comes with 30 and a 40 roung mag. everythings legal. pictured with the 40 mag.
so say I was to shoot some asshole with this(or any AR or shotgun) who was trying to break in to my house or garage, how much trouble would I be in? sorry if this is OT
A 7.62mm round is a terrible idea for home defense. AK rounds have a ridiculous amount of penetration, they’ll demolish cinder blocks.
For home defense, I am of the firm belief that nothing works better than a tactical 12-ga. shotgun, for cost of ammo and the weapon itself, variety of ammo types, ease of upkeep, abundance of parts, low amount of penetratory collateral damage, and the simple fact that you don’t have to be spot-on when aiming. Combine with a 120+ lumen instant-on taclight and it’s tough to beat.
The racking of a pump-action alone will make most intruders cut and run. :tup:
as soon as i get my pistol permit im going to get the judge for home defence. shotgun in the palm of your hand. shoots both 410 shotgun shells and 45cal
The major difference is the reciever. though BG still makes a stamped version the machined or milled reciever is what you want(if memory serves BG is the only place that makes milled recievers anymore). In civilian trim, and with the ammount of shooting an “average joe” will do you wont notice much difference. However a milled reciever will last far longer than a stamped one. Specially if you like to go out every weekend and fire an exuberant amount of rounds and practice your quick reloads, than fire some more. The heat caused by the action and shooting causes the reciever to actually warp over time causing jams and all sorts of other fun stuff. also the triger group has a tendency to wear out much quicker in a stamped reciever than a milled one.
Thats about all i can think of for now.
The AK in general is not really very refined weapon. Lets face it, in my oppinion the AK is a reworked MP43 .In my personal oppinion if you can get a gun smith to build you a high twist heavy barel for it you would have a weapon capable of lobbing rounds with an accuracy similar to the m16, or ar-15 whatever the civilian version was.
But ya any AK will fire decent groups at 500 yards and maybe a bit further with a skilled shooter, but on average it isnt too acurate past that range.