Alaskan Pipeline Down: Not so good

Great timing.

A 400,000-barrel daily disruption accounts for about 15% of the 2.8 million barrels a day that West Coast oil companies are currently running through their refineries.


$4 a gallon here we come!! Guess who pays, the consumer does. Pass those tragedy costs right on to us… :roll2:

linky no worky for me…so whats going on? need details

Ugggghhhhh Better fill up today.

AWESOME!!! :bloated:

British Petroleum had to shut down their pipeline for a couple of days to fix a leak. 400,000 barrels a day x’s a couple of days = a million barrels that the west coast won’t get. However, fuel reserves are at an all-time midsummer high of like 5 million barrels, so there won’t be any shortage of oil. Just uncertainty in the stock market. The US total oil reserve is at 333 million barrels. So, meh. :gotme:

Well dduuhhh the execs need to maintain their 30mil a year paycheck

:word: they dont want to wait an extra month for that new personal jet.


Its always amusing how even though the reserves are capping off, they still find ways to make a pretty penny. Oh well, the price we pay to enjoy the things we find pleasureable.


I’ll lose alot more money due to “market uncertainty” then I ever will to rising gasoline costs at the pump.

And… current consumer prices are not completely irrespective of market futures. Market futures are already UP on this event.


I know right. Its rediculous.

Try more like a few weeks to a few months.

Yep. 18 miles of pipe is not an easy job.


wish I could convert to the fuel source that’s like 85% corn product and 15% gas as a fuel supply for my auto …

how bad is the leak? I take it they cant just put a bucket underit like a leaky roof lol.


Not to mention it is in Prudhoe Bay which is one of the most isolated spots on the planet.

FYI, price of oil goes up also because the huge fields of oil currently in place aren’t pumping the same amount of oil out as they used to be…

despite there being a “surplus”, the surplus is still slowly dwindling.

It also costs money to dig / find oil reserves in other places.

A problem also exists because we do not have enough refineries to process the crude oil that we have on hand.