Alberto drenches Florida

that’s a huge wake.

my little sister is there on her honeymoon :bloated:

hahaah look at that fat dude

an nyspeeder is there right now too :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s the big deal. Its only a Tropical storm, and if the residents of that area aren’t used to it yet, they should GTFO. Hurricanes in Florida is like snow storms in Buffalo… standard operating procedures.

Although I am surprised that thing can float at all with the kid sitting on it. Or maybe its actually dragging along on the ground despite the water? :gotme:

Hah, that is awesome. :smiley:


Why…when I was a kid we would plant our crops in weather like that…

I’m here… rain in the AM but cloudy throughout the day. hopefully it wont get any worse :frowning:

A lil thunderstorm gets ppl shook here. I have a unch of friends in FL, and they have Hurricane parties! Booz and hunnies during the hurricanes FTW!

I think I would be down for something like that.

haha sucks to be you. i had 90 degrees and sunny every single day when i was there. :gotme: me > you

:smiley: jk, i hope it turns out nice for yah :fingerscrossed:

And besides, in just another day you should be so drunk that it could be snowing and you wouldnt be able to tell the difference. :tup:

It’s true. Everyone always asks, “How do you deal with the hurricanes?” Uh…easy…stay inside. Most of the time they’re not as bad as the media makes them out to be. Alberto was seriously weak. This is my third hurricane season, and you get used to the rain and winds. All it was for the past 2 days was some heavy rain and winds, no big deal. I still went to work, I still went shopping, life still went on.