LOL the night i finished the car, no hood, bumpers fenders and open DP. I went down the highway, saw a cop pulling someone over. pressed in the clutch and rolled by at 50 or so (in a 55) then put it back in gear about a 1/2 mile down the road. got yanked. for many obvious reasons. Biggest one was aparently he was only a block behind me when i rolled out full spool in 2nd and blew the tires/fireballs out of the car. He said he heard me coming, watched/listoned to me push the clutch in, laffed at me as I rolled by in nutral, told the person he pulled over it to thank me for getting them out of a ticket and got in his car and went after me. :rofl
I got my stones busted for many reasons by the two cops that night and they were actually rather cool and we were all laffin at my stupidity. I got a tickets for uninspection, and not having my reg/insurance paperwork in the car. actually going for a “Confrence” for these three on monday! should all be dropped I hope, since i got the inspection the next day and the others were fixed that night.