
me to cant leave the house with out my inhaler and i take claritan and nasonex seems to work ok

sounds like a bad case of upper respiratory seasonal allergies…i have them also but thank God the asthma-like symptoms have stayed away

I’ve heard of those alternative methods before too… the vinegar i can’t do, its just too much, but i’ll have to try it in some salad like you say. that might work.

I’ve never thought about dairy. I’m a milk drinking whore. The past 5-10 years I used to go through a gallon every 3 days. The past 2 years or so i’ve cut down to about a gallon a week, but never noticed any difference. I dont know if i could give it up completely! Maybe i’ll have to try in light of these f’ing allergies.

Def don’t mix the vinegar and milk in the same meal, it does not sit well…

I’ve never been a big milk drinker, but recently I’ve switched to soy milk only. Now it doesn’t taste the same, I know, but I really only put it in cereal, so I barely notice a difference. Also, if you don’t like the taste you can keep trying different ones, there are also a ton of varieties of Soy milk. If you like skim milk, get rice milk, it’s pretty thin and like soy, totally non-dairy.

I think Apple Cider Vinegar is a little better than normal vinegar for health purposes, but it’s definitely worse for taste. Mixing it in dressing is probably the easiest, I usually go with olive oil, at least 1 type of vinegar, and some grey poupon or other mustard, and maybe some red pepper.

Good luck with the homeopathic allergy aids gearhead, I know they help me. It’s kind of like weight reduction, any one apect alone doesn’t seem to do that much, but if you do enough simultaneously, you’re sure to notice a difference.

Homeopaths are nothing but placebos.

Thanks for the input Dr. Phil, do you work for Phizer? I must be a retard because I tried dozens of “real” sinus drugs and they don’t work, but changing my diet using methods that have been known for hundreds of years is probably just all in my head.

That’s one hell of a placebo effect. A few years ago I wouldn’t have been able to see straight when I went outside in the morning and found 1/4" of pollen on my car, but now, I don’t blow my nose the entire day. If my brain is that powerful I might be able to wish F bodies back to life.

Our little one has been pretty congested from allergies. She takes Allegra which seems to help. My wife claims she has allergies too, but I think she just doesn’t want to help cut the grass. :slight_smile:

this is the milk i drink:

fat free

Honey from a local beekeeper.

If you can, get pollen extracts from the hive. Can be a little expensive.

Put the two in tea each morning, it really does wonders.

The change in your diet could have been a HUGE part of it, maybe? No?

Telling me that drinking water that contains no molecules of whatever’s been diluted in it is miraculously healing your allergies is a bunch of crap. Find me a scientific or clinical study that says homeopaths do anything more than a Placebo-effect.

Yes, your brain is THAT powerful, and yes it’s “all in your head”. It’s an overreaction of the immune system, which is why local bee-honey helps wonders. If you can trick your brain into thinking you’re fixing the problem, then yes, the problem will seem to get better. The same way Shaolin monks can “tune out” pain.

Honestly if it’s working for you, good for you, but don’t kid yourself on the science behind it.

wait, so you’re agreeing with me?

No idea what you’re talking about.

Apple cider vinegar breaks down the body’s fatty, mucous and phlegm therefore improving the health and function of your liver, bladder, and kidneys. It also helps thin the blood, which prevents high blood pressure. It promotes digestion, the assimilation and the elimination processes. Cider vinegar is a germicide and thus be able to help fight infection and inflammation when administered internally or externally. It helps prevent blood clots and stimulates the excretory organs.

Cider vinegar is high in potassium, which is needed for the proper functioning of the heart and muscles, and in pectin (a type of fiber). Cider vinegar contains many key vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes, as well as valuable fruit acids. Its unique properties make cider vinegar superior to other kinds of vinegar.

Cider vinegar contains many other nutrients, such as beta-carotene, magnesium, calcium, riboflavin and thiamin; vitamins B6, C and E; and fruit acids and pectin. Of these, beta-carotene, potassium and pectin are especially important for the heart, skin and digestion.

The vitamin C and beta-carotene in cider vinegar destroy free radicals that weaken the immune system and increase the risk of various diseases. The acids in cider vinegar control the proliferation of yeast in the intestine.

But of course, that whole website could just be an elaborate figment of my imagination since it’s so powerful. I guess you and Phizer are right, unless it’s a drug from a drug company, there’s no way it can actually help any of your symptoms.

Seriously dude, when I say homeopathic, all I mean is natural products that aren’t drugs. I don’t mean boiling chicken blood and smearing it on the foreheads of the neighborhood children and asking them to do a healing dance. Cleaning out the sinus cavities with saline solution is helpful, it kills germs and helps to keep the tissue moist and healthy. Apple Cider Vinegar tastes like crap, but it thins mucous and kills germs. Those aren’t things I think are happening because I tried it and felt warm and fuzzy, those are real causes and effects, well known and proven over time.

taking pills to fix problems is bad. Finding a “natural” way of fixing the problem is much better.

I hate taking pills.

Then you’re misusing the term homeopathic.

See why I thought you were crazy?

I’m all for natural proven alternative medicines, but not ludicrous ones like Homeopathy.

My mistake, sorry about that, I fixed my post on the first page. That homeopathic crap does seem pretty nutty.

I support natural alternatives to drugs when possible, and I’ve found it’s feasible more often than I originally thought.


I never had allergies in the past… never… last year I felt them a bit, I was sneezing a lot, etc… watery eyes. This year it came back also! I took a clairton the other day, it didnt do much. Sucks to never have them before, turn 24 and get em…

There is SO much pollen in the air right now…washed my Monte Carlo last night; it’s already covered in green/yellow dust.

That was from jay up the street making new waxes in his backyard.

I’ve noticed that, there is a ton. I normally have bad allergies from pollen, but it hasn’t been messing with me too much this year. I did try to cut the grass the other day and I got all sorts of jacked up, so apparently that’s my allergy trigger for 2008.

If all that Apple Cider Vinegar shit is true, I may have to try it out.