
haha yea but sumtimes its not very clear on the gender…thats cool, prob cuz ive got more time on my hans lol:p nope…i dont know any models…ive only lived here for almost a yr and a half…so im kinda new.

aww well sadly its auto…i dont know how to drive stick…no ones taken the time to teach me:(

oki now i know haha …well im angelica by the way…so nice ta meet ya…sorta lol :p…sounds good well have to see depending on how this weather is going

lol awesome…yea ive just been lookin for a good club…just cuz the ppl wth 300’s i normally get together with…theyre busy all the time with work,family,wife,kids…and im just a youngin with tonnes of time on my hands haha

hey thanks! …thats alright…if it makes u feel any better…i only just turned 19 on friday lol

happy belated!

HA! TAKE THAT GUYS I SAID IT FIRST! :stuck_out_tongue:

lol thanks…mm it sure was a happy one…haha

cause ur a forum whore blade. lol…and hapy bday.

lol thanks…i think im becoming one too haha:)

happy birthday, and 31 post per day isnt that bad… and its ok to be a post whore…

thanks haha alright awesome :slight_smile:

cool, nice ride btw! What a small world! I read the description, girl in brampton driving a red 300zx…hmm, how many red 300zx driving girls are in brampton? haha.

It’s pretty funny that you mentioned that you see me wash my car, that’s pretty all i do when i’m home lol.

Happy belated!

thanks haha…not quite as nice as urs…yea i know its weird sumtimes…lol yea, i know of other red 300’s that are around…but none of them r girls

Yeah, never seen u around much but whenever u were, lol thats what you were doin…in the summer i washed my car quite often too so its all good…but sumtimes i wud just clay my car while it was in the garage for a quick fix, so i was in hidding haha:p

yea, i dont’ stay in brampton that often. when i go out i’m usually going out on the east end.

oohh ic…yea wenever im out im typically in the vaughan area…but i dont go out so often now…everyones busy with school and such…and gas is still pretty expensive…so i gotta ration haha

Welcome Angelica! And I must say, I think this is the fastest a thread has ever hit 6 pages! Rick, what’s the stats? Fastest growing thread ever?!

:slight_smile: Welcome and hope to see you at a meet :slight_smile:

her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard! hahaha.

they should have an offical term for guys hounding on girls on a car forum lol.

damn, Angelica’s been busy! She’s got more posts per day than Zep!

Total Posts: 38 (22.83 posts per day)

Hey! hehe thanks, well i hope i can make it out to a meet as long as this snow doesnt progress :frowning: so depressing haha

lol well i hope thats not the reason!:stuck_out_tongue:

hmmmm a term…wat can i come up with haha
lol im a buy bee:)

***busy bee

Holy crap.

Makes sense that this thread is so long now. Nice car.

Oh yeah, welcome and happy belated.

btw, this might go on to be the longest thread on here at this rate.