I dated mad mature girls...

Originally Posted by Xander
I’m walking out of a bar and going to my car. Some girl dressed in all white, talking on her cell phone is walking toward me. When she is like a few feet from me I’m say something like “damn you’re gorgeous” (can’t remember the exact words) I say it right as we pass eachother, she turns around and yells “Fuck off!” My instant reply is “Whatever you Gay Bitch!”. A this point she’s still on the phone and tell’s whomever “Ohh no, he didn’t!” (with some real Ghetto attitude tone). Turns around, and starts walking toward me. At this point I’m getting into my car (the back)with Dozer at the wheel. She runs over to beat me in the head with her purse, I duck, then I take the 32oz. coke that I just bought and not even had a sip off and dump it all over her. She looks at me like WFT just happened, as I close the door and Dozer takes off :headbang:


That was some funny fooking shit :rofl: I will laugh about that for years to come.