Almost got fined by the Game Commision

Yesterday, my friends and I all went out to a public rifle range to do some plinking. Me with my new Sig P220 and Mosquito, along with 5 of my friends and there various firearms we headed to the PA game lands in west finley. After 3hrs of random plinking the game comision showed up and pulled myself and another guy aside and explained to us that it was illegal to have semi-auto magazines with more than 3 rounds loaded into them. Now this was NOT posted anywhere and i’ve never heard of such a law. We just recieved warnings and were told that it would have been a $75 fine if he chose to charge us. Can someone help me find all these rules and regulations that are not posted or explained to you when you purchase a firearm. How is a normal person supposed to know these things? I’m pretty irritated about this.

i know i’m not legally allowed to put more than three shells in my shotgun when hunting, not sure how that works when target shooting.

Usually public ranges have a limit of 3 in the magazine, but this should be CLEARLY posted as soon as you walk in. This is how it is up in Wexford at the range by the state gamelands. Because like you said, how are we supposed to know if it’s not posted?

Well,when u are out on gamelands u CANNOT plink iwth an auto nor carry more than 3 rounds of ammo in the mag. Same goes for shotguns like don said,when u are hunting u are not allowed more than 3 in the mag. Next time don’t go to the gamelands to plink. I beleive if u own a firearm u should KNOW all rules n regulations for the state of PA,no matter if u hunt or not.

:stupid: hate to say so but hes right you were on PA State Gamelands if you wanna go fire off 100 rounds go to a gun range like at a sportsman club all the rules and regulations are in the PA Hunter and Trapper safety guide

i say right to bare arms = right to fill that Mag. all the way. imo


yeah thats the gamelands for ya, although i thought it was 3 in a rifle or shotgun and 5 in a handgun, so idk maybe its 3 now

Ya, all of the ranges I have ever been to is 5 in a handgun. Including all of the State Gamelands Ranges.

I could see limiting the mag when hunting but when you are at the range you should be able to load them to capacity. That just goes to show you how fucked up the PA game commission is. I would join a local sportsman or shooting club then you won’t have to worry about that.

out in west finley is a “rifle range” to be politcally correct, even says so on the road going down to it, technically your not supposed to be shooting pistols or shotguns or not supposed to be putting your own targets up other then the 100 yd targets they have already, (by targets i mean the platforms they have set up at 100 yds to staple, tape, thumb tack, etc. paper targets to) but yea game commission is always down at the west finley range atleast you didnt get fined, i wouldnt complain much after that IMO

After 3hrs of random plinking the game comision showed up and pulled myself and another guy aside and explained to us that it was illegal to have semi-auto magazines with more than 3 rounds loaded into them.

thats BS, i never heard that round or read that ANYWHERE. and i searched many times. they dont post that information

i know your not allowed to have semi auto rifles and pistols for hunting, but are allowed semi auto shotguns…except for deer as far as i knew you couldnt use a semi auto shotgun.

and for shotguns it was only 3 shells maximum in the gun…deer season it was allowed to have full capacity of 5 for the shotgun but i have heard no limit on it, so if you had an extension u should be able to use it.

i never heard of a limit for rifle shells. most hold 3-4 in the mag and 1 in the chamber. revolver handguns hold 5-6 dependin on caliber.

if there are such laws, thats BULL that they dont post that information on a well known site and make that link obvious so we dont overlook it.

Well nobody ever said u were the sharpest tool in the shed either now have they?

Well nobody ever said u were the sharpest tool in the shed either now have they?

nope they never said that, but i’ve been readin up on rules for a long time and been hunting for many years…so i would have seen those laws or heard of them somewhere

dont you think? :slight_smile:

obviously not :zzz:

Why is there a limit for rounds in a mag?

thats why i callin bullshit untill i see it written somewhere

So much misinformation, so little time.

after some more researching, i found this site here
according to that site, the game commisioner officer guy was wrong, we are allowed 6 in a magazine and 3 in a rifle.

that site also explains why…

so you can check your target and not worry about the others having 40 shots in his gun and taking forever to shoot… or causing damage to the back stops.

seems pretty official also… who knows though