Alrite Apple Fanboys vs Windows (also fanboys?)

color me surprised

The OS plays a big factor with the Macs. Yes, they have “inferior” specs, but the OSX runs leaner than Windows…traditionally.

I’d much prefer to work in Windows, but that’s my preference.

No need to be surprised @boardjnky4 all I wanted was some comparative feedback from you guys and that’s what I got.


Lol since when? Have you tried Yosemite? Bloated as hell.

Compared to Windows or previous versions of OSX?

Apple Software is built for Apple Hardware. It’s certainly true that Yosemite is a bit of a buggy release. However, in general I think it’s fair to say that OS X is optimized for Apple Hardware.

Well yea. I mean if you have Microsoft build Windows for one platform of hardware, it will be stable as all hell. I think they just announced them doing this didn’t they where there would be a pure version of Windows that runs on a hardware platform that is only Microsoft and not vendor OEM shit with bloatware.

Yosemite is pure garbage in my experience. I don’t like it on stand alone, I like it even less in an AD environment. There’s numerous bugs and problems I’ve been dealing with since it’s release (and on all recent patches as well).

Agreed. Huge Apple and Mac fanboy but I have never had more problems than Yosemite and iOS8

Between the white startup screen that freezes half way, the black startup screen freeze and the Black screen with just a white cursor where it’s asking for credentials but you’d never know it…FUUUUUU Yosemite.
Many of our issues seem to point to being bound to AD, especially after a forced shutdown caused by one of the above lockups. Seems like the OS isn’t smart enough to fail AD auth and use cached creds or something. Luckily only a few machines require 10.10 at this time…it clearly wasn’t ready for release.

Ya I get a lot of “Your computer has restarted in Safe Mode” anytime there is updates and a bunch of other issues where I have seen more of that spinner of doom than I ever have.

I know people who have not used encryption so I am debating turning it off for testing. The rotation issues on the iPhone 6 plus are driving me nuts too.

Oh yeah, we had some encryption issues with 10.10 as well…forgot about that feature. More rainbow spinning than the fucking roller rink.

I got one of these Mini Drives for free and been using it as a in slot backup. I am going to back up my PC and then do it to get rid of the encryption and test again. I personally dont like notification center either. Too much going on. I like growl and take that iOS shit out of there.

I’ll say one thing I definitely did not enjoy windows 8, made the decision process a lot easier. And why does everything have to be fucking touch screen with Windows? The extra expense that costs could be used toward making the overall user experience less shitty.

I have FV2 turned on and it runs just fine. Probably takes more time booting up but I hardly ever power it off completely.

I disabled it for the time being. I am not traveling with it anytime soon so will leave it unencrypted and see if it runs any better.

worth a shot