He obv survives the shootout, because we haven’t made it to the flash forward when he goes back to his home and it’s all tore up and painted.
I think Hank and Gommie are toast but I bet Jesse escapes during this gunfight.
Also, I know on TV a characters shooting skills are determined by the plot but come on. Probably over 500 rounds exchanged between groups 100 feet apart, most with rifles and shotguns and no one hit yet?
My guess:
Gomie is dead, Jesse gets away, hank is injured and taken by the nazi dudes. he is tied up in their hideout, Walt confronts him gives a epic Walter white speech about how this could have been avoided and he kills hank himself.
The hank/Walt battle has to end way more epic than hank getting killed by nazi meth dealers.
Yeah FFS the one guy had a AA12,how can you miss with one of those? lmao
Yeah, I think Jesse makes a break for the cow house.
This kills me. I KNOW it’s just TV but c’mon… 8 guys with high powered rifles/ AA-12/ handguns vs. 2 chubby middle aged DEA guys with a 9mm and shotgun from 40ft. away… bitch please. I can’t wait to see what happens.
dollars to donuts this is what is going to happen…
From the funny pics/gifs thread… Perfect explanation.
Glad I’m not the only one.
Not sure how the Jesse thing will pan out. Maybe that Lydia lady will end up offing him somehow
i suspect Jesse will be the one to take out WW in the very end.
I think Jesse will take out Todd like revenge for killing that little kid
And Jesse or Lydia will be the only survivor. Her, Jesse, skyler or Marie will kill ww, though I want to believe he will somehow survive all the chaos.
I think Marie killing ww at the end would be a wicked twist
So Walt calling off the Aryan’s twice (on the phone and in the back of the truck) so Hank didn’t get killed, somehow goes out the window and he kills Hank himself? Why? If Walt wanted to solve the problem by killing “family” he could’ve just off’ed Marie and Hank when they were the only two that knew. Walter White doesn’t kill family…hence why it took so long for him to turn on Jesse. His values and morals are still rooted with family. He poisoned a kid to save his family… he’s not going to put one in Hank’s head.
Because that’s what they want you to think.
Ww killing hank would be so unforgivable after all his love for family. Maybe he will have a change in heart after the nazis showed up.
I’m just trying to think of the most bizzare twist possible, because that’s probably what’s going to happen.
Well played, Adam.
On a side note, I sure hope that cunt Lydia dies. She’s awful.
Meh. The only one in the future is Walt (that we know of). He’s buying a LMG for a reason. That reason is (probably is) the Aryans. I hope Skylar and Marie kill each other.
I’ve been hoping for this for several seasons, now.
There’s a reason that Walt’s neighbor acts as if she saw a ghost in the flash forward and he has a new identity. He’s probably assumed dead. I’m willing to bet, he has a struck a deal to “disappear” or be turned in. He certainly can’t let Hank die and walk away from it, Marie knows that Hank and Walt are together right now. I’m assuming everyone “dies” including Walt. Walt returns to save Jesse from the Aryans. Todd stalks and murders Lydia in a separate storyline, ha.
The producer of the show said WW will do something unforgivable this year. Saving Hank and saving Jesse doesn’t really fit.
WW’s story arc is about a guy who started out doing all this for his family and then breaking bad and becoming a monster. I think it ends with his ultimate conversion to that side where he’s given the choice of himself or Hank and we see that the final version of WW puts himself first.
The flash forward may be his attempt at redemption, maybe trying to save Jesse, but he’s still got to do something terrible this season, something far worse and far more personal than anything he’s done so far.
yeah i basically agree with this word for word
anyone have the last few episodes i can steal off you? i’ll be in the area on thursday and would like to watch them with the wife before i get back on a plane.