America needs to learn from Australia

see we are sort of on the same wave length…
i have an understanding & i understand the teaching
i think you use religion to do this… to learn & understand…

like @ some point you should see that the bible is a tool used for learning to make yourself a better person…its not non-fiction

its the same reason parents teach children fables… the boy who cried wolf, etc… you learn from it

i think everyones grander purpose in life is to become a christ or “christ like”… help others, teach, be a good person, & the ultimate…self sacrifice…not to be confused with death which is the extreme used it the stories.
but self sacfice can be anything from giving up your bus seat to a woman or older person, to risking your life to save someone in danger…

i fell that the bible & other religious tools(books, churchs, etc…) are used to help everyone achieve this goal…but most people never get that far to realize it.