America needs to learn from Australia

i’m not pro islam… i’m anti religion period…i’m tired of christians thinking they know everything & push thier religion on everyone.
I live here & i feel i have the right to have my own beliefs…I have already freed my mind , if you want to live in society as a religous zombie so be it but don’t try to force everyone else to be.
i feel that religion has its place & like the bible/qu’ran is used as a learing tool, but to many people get stuck in the religious rut & don’t move on…it kinda like a grown adult still believing in santa…sure its fun for kids & you use santa as a method so your kids are good…but @ some point you have to lean & move on & realize that its not about that…the holidays is about the spirit of giving & family.

i don’t think that religion has a right to control people, long time ago sure…because there was no law or government…people used religion as a form of control…but its 2007 those days are over.

christians wanting muslims to adapt ot leave is the same thing to me as hetrosexuals wanting homosexuals to adapt or leave or whites who say “go back to africa”
its the same thing

isn’t it hipocritical as a chirstian to not be tolerant of others?..