America needs to learn from Australia

i’m not anti christian either…i’m just don’t like when people take it so serious…like you said to strap a bomb to themselves to blow up a bus or bomb an abortion clinc in the name of christ…its all crazy.

& as far as santa it was just an example… its a story that we use as a form of control just like the bible…but with santa @ some point you come to see the realization…but most people never free thier mind from religion.

& yes i know about islam, i also know plenty about christanity(went to a religious school during my childhood)…i try to have an understanding of all forms of religion.

my histrical perspective is wrong?? really… let me ask you this then.
was jesus the only “christ” or “messiah”

let me ask you this…if i write a book & then years later you write a book & the story is the same or very similar…its that coincidence?..or did you copy?

lets looks @ some history
1200BC there was virishna…born from a virgin, threatened by government, given gifts @ birth(franken-whatever, etc…) performed miracles & was curcifed between 2 theves on a cross…hmmm coinsidence?

Budha Sakia, Odin, Hesus, and many ther all have the same or simlar stores.
Krishna was like 3000 yrs before Jesus, carpenter father, virgin mother crucifed between 2 thieves, blah, blah, blah.
now christianity is the newest out of all these religions…so let think about this…

i think Horus is the earliest…hes the egyptian christ…similar story
hes the eye on top of the pyramid on the dollar bill

my point is…religion has its place in the growth of a human, but @ some point i feel that you need to free your mind…staying in the rut & taking it to serious is the cause of these psychos killing people in the name of god, christ, allah, etc…