Amherst Cop Cars

Two cops just FLEW past my mom’s house on Eggert, and they sounded like they were going to blow up. They must have had those shits to the floor.

Just a random post telling you guys pointless information.

I’d laugh if one of them blew their engines.

Oh thanks, I don’t need to take any ambien anymore, I’ll just re-read that post to make me fall asleep. :spam:

No, this thread will make you RETARDED, not TIRED.

I’m retarded already. So it won’t do that. It indeed is making me tired. Night.

I think this thread is retarded, and tired…lets call it retired.
see, this thread makes people say stoopid shit like i just did lol

I wish you guys heard the noises they made though.

It made me giggle.

No, that was your gas.

Stay away from the cheese, missy.

Girls don’t fart, silly.

i live in amherst right near there and they allways sound like they are going to blow same with buffalo police.

i felt i needed to add to the pointless retarted post.

Well then Kevin, you are familiar with the noise. It’s ridiculous. Where the fuck are they going THAT FAST?


they “poot” and sometimes “qweeb”

probably a hold up at a wilson farms or something… tonight is a big night for stupid stuff like that… or a drunk driver running from the cops

They were going towards… Bailey? From the Main St. direction.

They’re nuts!


It’s insane I tell ya’s, insane!

they normally do that its nothing new or they might be going that fast to some bullshit call. but i live right near baily and main and you can hear them from a street over most of the time. if i was a cop i would beat the piss out of my patrole car too, its only tax payers money.