Amherst teens race, crash, get charged

was ne1 else thinkin it was gonna read nick pearl lol

holy crap people pick on cavaliers a little too much. true its hard to find a clean, well done cavalier (or any j-bod for that matter) but geez

hate the person, not the car

that was pretty stupid racing on a side street at 530pm, haha

haha… that’s how my friend’s garage got destroyed a few months ago… when some tool lost control and went through it

was anyone else dissapointed they didnt drive by and get hit by these kids. i am

it doesn’t matter what you drive, if its not a STI, EVO, or Turbloed civic you will get ripped on

im gonna say it was the cavalier. who races on a fing side street during the day lol!

Thats prime time racing :tup:

thats not true. its just that cavys pretty much suck. my 86ish cavaliers interior felt the same as my friends 2000ish Z24. driving it felt close to the same, too. thats sad.

anyway, that mcnally name sounds familiar…

Both are wrong, but one is certainly a far more intellegent decision.

but there is a HUGEEEE difference between 1 AM racing on the 65mph highway, which is straight, wider and no traffic then the alternative:

30mph neighborhood, narrow streets, lots of people and kids out, roads not meant for high speed…well it doesnt really need explaining.

You mess up on the highway, you take out yourself…maybe the other guy who agreed to race. You mess up in a neighborhood, you effect other peoples lives.

again, both are wrong, but you have to be an idiot to race in a development.

You beat me to it Stealtth…

I was going to use the analogy of…

A guy racing around an elementary school playground during recess is just as bad a a guy racing in an abondoned factory parking lot at 3am???

Racing is one thing… vehicular manslaughter on the other hand…

:word: stealtth.

you are always so cute when you make a valid point.

Ya, I had 2 friends with cavaliers and both of them were rolling dumpsters

cavaliers are so…i don’t know…shitty? everytime i get in one at work, it boggles my mind why the handles to slide the seat are different on each seat. on the driver seat, it’s this metal bar that you twist. on the passenger side, it’s this plastic tab that you kind of lift up, but you’re not sure if it’s moving or bending, then the seat moves so it erases any fear of breaking it.

i agree, i used to work at paddock chevrolet, those cars were just so damn stiff feeling…

Why yes there is a difference, its still not safe. Also i guaranty at some point or another everyone on here has raced, drove like a retard, etc. in less then perfect conditions. Hell, how about the daytime racing vids that get posted every now and again?

And who says you only take out yourself and the other car on the highway? How many countless kill stories end with “we were comming up on traffic so we had to slow down” Shit could happen where people couldnt slow down and hit another car. Or even if you crash your car and debrie flies off your car and into the road, that could cause another accident. Hell even when people slow traffic down on the highway so they can go from a lower speed can cause a pile up.

Why i agree those kids were retarded for racing in a residential area during the day time, people cant say all kinds of shit about them when they arent angels themselves

Can someone just start a bash Cavaliers thread please? We ALL know GM is crap.

lol u whats even more funny, 3/4 of the ppl on here had clears, fart cans, and big wings back in the day.


ahahahaha, i went to school with these kids, thier both fucking tools, duestch bags, etc, etc. In the end i bet you they were trying to show off too some girls on the street or something and then made complete fools of themselfs. All the rest has been already said. and i bet you they will brag because they got arrested or something like that. Sweeet kiddsss