Amherst teens race, crash, get charged

awesome…it looks like i should pretty much kill myself cause im stuck with my car for as long as it lasts. makes me feel real good about myself…real good :tdown:

That IS kind of a valid point, haha.

COmeon you guys remember you cant drive (street race) after 9 when your 17.

lol tards

There is just a mite of difference between acting like an asshat on a residential street and many of the other activities that might be considered “street racing”. It annoys the shit out of me when people speed in residential neighborhoods. I sure don’t do it, but get me out on a limited access highway in decent weather and if I don’t hit 100 at least once, it’s a bad day. If another car wants to give me a go in that circumstance, I am almost always game. Seems like one thing is very different from the other???