Street racing kids do it again

well i just herd the at 3 am this morning 2 kids where apparently killed street racing down richmond street here in Chatham. i dont know all the detail yet all i know is they where racing and a big cube vun pulled out in front of them then they both cliped it the impact was so hard that it acculy shot the hole rearend out from under the van. not shure what kind of cars that hit all i know is there was parts everywhere. they where doign speeds over 130kph so it must have hurt. anyway just another street racing story gone wrong when some of these kids drive like idiots.
anyway i can almost put money on it that i get pulled over and hassled this weekend… may keep the 240 home and drive the honda… lol better then tickets for nothing…

so what kind of cars?

lemmie guess, 88 civic hatch with cut springs vs. 90 jetta with ractive fake coilovers!

any brake mods, probably not. proper suspension mods, i doubt it…

maybe im wrong, but you all know im probably right. stupid kids will never learn. we’ll pay big time for this.

That’s sad, cuz we’ve all done stupid things…

BUT 130km/h+ on city streets…racing…well that’s REALLY not a good idea…

Project ERASE +1, Real Car Enthusiasts -32984720842

is it wrong that i was thinking about the free car parts possibly laying around at the crash scene?

half of me says poor kinds didnt deserve this they were just having fun

other half of me says silly ricer you got shillacked

then the other half of me says glad it wasnt me

first half is my heart

second half is my fun area

third half is my brainerson

3 halves = 1 complete superhuman :twisted: DUNDANNANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA super hero to the rescue!!!

WHAT am i talking about?

who really knows anymore lets be honest

“street racing” and “racing on public streets” are two different things in my mind.

You have street racing, which is ORGANIZED, REMOTE, and SAFE (as safe as it can be). And you have “racing on public streets” … two kids racing down yonge street at 8pm.

These kids were in the “racing on public streets” group so they deserve whatever happened to them… I guess erase can add this to the 28… oh wait… 29… oh wait… 27 (the numbers always change) deaths related to street racing. since 1999.


CAN i get an AMEN

dude, how many halfs do you have?

outa no where i shout… amen brother~

i agree with justin.

stupid hurts

What was that famous saying again…oh yeah i remember!

“Stupid is as stupid does”

I gave up street racing due to the amount of heat attracted to it and all the dumb kids whose parents have to much money and give them everything so they can do up there cars. There’s also WAY to may immature drivers out now.

Back in the day, it was great. There may have been 100+ cars but everyone was smart. Now two guys line and go and while they’re racing some asshole drives either across the road. Then of course the im-prom-to race at the red light. All of this equals stupidity and in this case, death.

It really is sad the two kids are dead and my hart does go out the the families. I just hope that maybe this time, it will wake others up to the reality of the situation.

Street racing in the warehouse/factory district late at night when pretty much all the places are closed is about as safe as a track. True anything can happen however the chances are very slim something will as long as everyone is smart about it.

So what ever you guys do be it, racing or drifting, just be safe. I’d hate to hear of anyone dying from here.

Have a good one guys.

Street racing in the warehouse/factory district late at night when pretty much all the places are closed is about as safe as a track. True anything can happen however the chances are very slim something will as long as everyone is smart about it.

Racing anywhere other than the track is stupid.
Just because an industrial area is free of most traffic doesnt mean it’s safe.

Organized street racing isn’t safe. Period.

Street racing in the warehouse/factory district late at night when pretty much all the places are closed is about as safe as a track. True anything can happen however the chances are very slim something will as long as everyone is smart about it.

Racing anywhere other than the track is stupid.
Just because an industrial area is free of most traffic doesnt mean it’s safe.

Organized street racing isn’t safe. Period.[/quote]

I said it’s as safe as it can be :wink:

What is the point of going to a track if you are going to get the same tickets you would get at a typical bust at the races?

STREET RACES = NO MOVING VIOLATIONS… 99% of the time it’s just equipment shit.

TRACK RACES = GAS + TIME + you get in shit on the way out anyway! They tell people to take it to the track… yet give them the same amount of shit, and still treat them like criminals when they pull them over just outside of the track.

It’s fucking stupid.

Street racing in the warehouse/factory district late at night when pretty much all the places are closed is about as safe as a track. True anything can happen however the chances are very slim something will as long as everyone is smart about it.

Racing anywhere other than the track is stupid.
Just because an industrial area is free of most traffic doesnt mean it’s safe.

Organized street racing isn’t safe. Period.[/quote]

I said it’s as safe as it can be :wink:

What is the point of going to a track if you are going to get the same tickets you would get at a typical bust at the races?

STREET RACES = NO MOVING VIOLATIONS… 99% of the time it’s just equipment shit.

TRACK RACES = GAS + TIME + you get in shit on the way out anyway! They tell people to take it to the track… yet give them the same amount of shit, and still treat them like criminals when they pull them over just outside of the track.

It’s freaking stupid.[/quote]


the track is fucking gongshow,

the street is safe in industrial areas

the only time it isnt safe is when poeple start running 10 sec drag cars off a trailer on the street, although watching it is fucking wicked

I’m not saying the law is fair either. If they had any sense, they would sanction races on the street, like they do in Cali. Or organize their own track days.

Giving out tickets like pez, isn’t a motivation for people to not street race. I have been to many street races back in tha day, and was lucky not to get booked there. I count my blessings.

And i do enjoy a good street run, but sometimes you gotta be smart about it.
Doing 100km/h on public roads can go wrong real quick. And it’s not even the traffic, its the roads. I don’t trust Toronto streets at all, you can get air on some of these potholes.

I’ve seen some bad accidents happen at seemingly “safe” industrial areas.

Anyways im beating the piss out of this dead horse.
Bottom line, don’t give cops an excuse to make tuners look like criminals, and give us a bad rep. The public won’t feel any sympathy for people who endanger their kids.

Right on the money.

but their kids are probobly drug feinding brats, aren’t we doing them a favour? i thought thats what street racing was all about? Smash as many kids as possible??

man i’ve been doing this all wrong

quite a shame, you can’t cure stupid. :? not only did they put their lives at risk, but also the lives of others. in all honesty, people like this shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce. :roll:

NiTeRiDeR, amen.

this one time i hit vtec SO hard when sasha installed my new buddy club stage 5 prototype cams OMG