An idea I am working on... help would be appreciated...

Here is a light update:

The top panel is in (can’t tell in that pic) and the face peice is tacked on. The lights are also mounted and wired. I have 1/2 of the peices beside the lights (to close it off) done, just have a lil more to do. I’ll get better pics sometime in the future. That one is from my phone at night.

Here’s a better shot with super cool license plate frame!!

I was close to having my plate say DANK 420. That woulda been sweet.

couldn’t you use some neater looking tail lights? have them flush with that rear panel… maybe some vette tails or something like that?

From the other picture it looks like there are braces in the way of making them flush. Unless the lights were smaller, then they might fit. :dunno:

I chose the wrangler lights for their simplicity. I dont remember if the vette lights have the reverse in them or not. But that was also a reason for them. They are pretty flush. Most of the light is recessed. About 4 inches worth. The outer most lip is flat against the rear panel.

here’s the latest update: All done and working minus some air system issues that aren’t extremely important. I just need to get it ready for paint. 1.4 mb or so.

why it come up so fast?

Thats what SHE said! haha

But anyways…Why not? THis is pitt SPEED. The more speed the better!

looking good

:rofl: thats fawking :cool:

thats cool as hell!!! :bigthumb:

Most likely the final update to this thread:

holey old thread. it looks good. but it looks a lil weird only having the last 10" of red cover thingy.

weird to some, cool to me. I like it like that.

:cool: It turned out nice. For show with it shut it’s got super clean lines.

sweet job on everything. the truck looks great:bigthumb:

my friend just put bolted a liscense plate braket to the front of his bed so i stuck up behind the passenger seat ill get you a pic later

def. nice man. I remember when you first started posting them pics on here, now shes all done. Great work man. Looks awsome. :bigthumb:

looks real good. but why not cover the rest of the bed to match where the thing pops up so you dont see your tank and what not.

Looks good and its pretty cool, only problem I see is two things the cops are still going to harrass you about. First is it doesn’t look like you a plate light which will give them reason to pul you over and harrass you. Especially because of how unique looking that is.

Second they may say the lights are mounted too high for the vehicle. Lights have to be mounted within a certian distance according to bumper height.

Just food for thought.