And THIS is why I HATE the fucking cops

Although I’m a little rusty on my business law, I still think i have an idea. He told you that it was white gold, you paid him X dollars because you believed it was white gold. It turned out not to be, therefore the contract should be null and void. If i remember correctly, a contract like that wouldn’t need to be written.

Shouldve pulled the trigger and got it over with.
It would’ve been the Eco-friendly thing to do, one less waste of oxygen.

Thinking back, thats DEF what I should have done and I dont know why I didnt… I guess I thought the guy would have eventually stopped with the gun pointed at him but I guess getting pinched for trying to sell a fake gold chain was worth the risk of getting killed…

IDK dude, this is what the cops told me and my lawyer told me when he picked me up from the police station today. That was one of the first questions I asked him.

Believe me, I would have loved to dude, but I would have gotten a manslaughter charge and even maybe murder 1 and my life would have been over… No amount of money is worth my freedom.

Well… either way, hope you can work something out.

just gonna keep making money i guess lol… Most of what I make this week will be going towards my loss, thats for damn sure lol

that fucking sucks !

come on Dave… Are you fucking kidding me. Remember what we were talking about the other night?

Looked for news story, found nothing.

Sucks dude, for sure. You got the shitty end of the stick but in reality you were the one poking the shit to begin with. When he bailed you should have just let him go.

wow that sucks…i dont get why you wouldnt file it, with that kinda money going out on your behalf, i dont know alot about the gold buying industry . but from what ive seen if you told the guy you would have to do some dammage to the chain to verify it, or no deal, the scumbags prolly gonna walk… if its a legit piece no one woud… like i said i know you have alot more knowledge…sorry to hear


There is absolutely no chance of it ever being murder in the first degree. A district attorney would know not to charge that because it would just get thrown out by the judge. A gun should be your last line of defense. Since you weren’t defending yourself, pulling it out is enough to get a criminal charge. I know you didn’t know this at the time and had no way of thinking about it while in the moment, but at least now you know for future reference. What will suck even more is paying the court/lawyer fees afterwards.

Hate the fuckin news dude, if your going to put shit on the news at least get the story fucking straight… They said I thought the shit was stolen!? WTF?

Lol I know right.

dude, I only saw it online, did they show my store or my face or me in handcuffs or anthing? I fuckin hope not, thats really embaressing.

learn the laws, obey them or end up in this situation again.

you shouldn’t be mad at the cops, they were doing their job.

be mad at the people that made the laws the cops are enforcing.

not argueing with you, but I want to see you get robbed for $3,300 and then an hour later get the oppertunity to get your money back and not do a damn thing about it… I really wanna see this.

Nah no pics of you. Just said your name, and showed the store and all the investigators walking around.

fuck, that aint good.

Yea it sucks but you can’t pull a gun when your life isn’t in danger… Just gotta think man