And you guys thought it should be lower....

Vee vill build rrroads zat vill last a sousand years!!

hammer in the seam under where your strut tower is. thats all that it is. once you do that you will have a few more cm so you can go even lower.

i had that problem, hammered it down and went even lower.

giver a try.

nah thats on the outside of my tire… not the inside…

sorry to hear john, yeah roll zee fenders :stuck_out_tongue:

Your car looks really hot…

aha thx what does that have to do with my tires ;] ];

they’re supposed to do that, it makes you cooler… now you can hang out with true ballers

go cry bout it somewhere else

get a wooden bat and get rolling

got an eastwood at my disposal :slight_smile: