And you think Alberta roads are bad...

I can vouch for this as I have been to Yakutsk several times. In keeping with the NECC’s Nissan orientation, there is a 350Z pic in the show!


most of those are not even in canada. euro plates.

Yeah, the pics are from the main highway from Yakutsk (Siberia) to Moscow

holy shit. smart lady in the 350 i can tell.


Yeah but at least they have an excuse, the roads are dirt, the country is poor and you can see what’s up ahead.

Deadmonton has tuns of casholla and seemingly invisible pot holes that like to eat suspension parts and wheels for dinner.

reminds me of driving down lease roads up north. awesome pics

reminds me of driving any where in whitecourt while drunk with thad.

hahaha, good times.

hahas holy shit that looks like lots of fun, that one guy in the land cruiser or wahtever it is that has about half the front in the mud looks like he is having fun

how smart do you have to be to even try that road without a huge 4WD.

They have no choice, it’s really the only road from Moscow to Yakutsk that’s passable to cars. It’s OK when it’s dry, but when it rains, look out!

Some more pics:

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