Andrew here


I drive an s13 with stuff. Not much street legal about it anymore.
Use to be an avid drifter but slowly moved towards road racing this season.
Hopefully competing in solo 1 next season.


welcome… oh ye of the narrow cracker ass…

welcome to the new forums andrew. hope you like it here and although we are still growing, its a nice little community so far with a good amount of users.

feel free to give some of your expertise on some of the subjects posted and tell us some of your experiences with drifting/road racing.

and also, pics/specs of your car?

and Ian, not sure if thats an inside joke or something, but doesn’t seem very welcoming. if it is and inside thing, i apologize and ignore this comment.

lol welcome to teh forums man… great to have another s13 on board

I’ll throw up some pics and specs when I have a little time to do so.
Good to see another forum kicking around.

Yeah its an inside joke me and Ian have. He was doing some work on my car last week and had to drive it into his shop, my butt is extremly small in comparison to his. He didn’t fit in my seat all that well :stuck_out_tongue:


i give my public apology to Ian. couldn’t tell at all if it was a joke or not lol


welcome hope you feel at home here…