Anger and Nissan...

Why would I bother when I know my car stays with cars that run a full second and a half faster than you and trap at least 6-7mph over you?

If I see you around sure ill race but im not going out of my way to set something up.

Like i said at stock boost i raped a couple 350’s… that acctualy had nice sounding exhausts


P.S. but the stock exhaust back on and stirp the paint of the wheels… in all seriousness with no dichead intenetions… they will ruin the sale from anyone whos over the age of 18 and acctualy has a brain

IMO you should keep the car , put it back to stock anyways and enjoy it

OH EDIT: and the car walking thing came from you retarted friend the with POS FC RX-7 that aparently instigates how fast your car is to everyone for you