angry store owner vs skater

well that was the most anticlimactic shit ive ever seen

ya i posted it before i saw the whole thing…i was quite angry myself. still funny though…

Good thing they have that on video when they sue the shop owner for aggravated harassment.

saw that on last night

do some work henry and stop posting shit .

Today is my day i am happy. hahahahaha “Man i would have just Ran from the guy”!!!

omfg its real life tourettes guy. :rofl :rofl :rofl

i’d have fucked his wife though.

in the middle there when they were just standing/sitting around not saying anything… I would have broken the silence with some good ones like.

“well, now what do you want to talk about? How about your wife, does she do anal?”


“Hey lady, judging by your husbands reactions over some flowers… I bet you like to get rage fucked dont you?”

Just push his buttons soo much he punched me in the face, and I got it on camera… then sued his ass for the store and then some… and turn the store into a skate shop! haha

You can’t just yell at someone and get in their face like that, he put his hands on him. Skate dude should have rocked him in the face with that skateboard. Least thats what I was thinking the entire time.

yep. and he is a minor. lots of no-no’s on the adults side… all over some kid skateboarding over a planter box.

Fuck that… Guys a huge dweeb, but skaters shouldnt be rippin out shrubs… I dont know the solution…maybe leave the shrub out and install a railing and be fucking friendly. people are fucked up.

yeah if he was a true tony hawk, he could ollie a little baby bush in that planter. kids a dumpy skater.

owners a chode, little boy peepee toucher. Spend $100 and install a steel railing there, that would stop him from jumping over it for sure and still look ok on the property.

some people just need to look at things and say is this really worth my trouble?