Annual General Meeting - 2008 NECC May 26th

Actually, I think it was a decent meeting for an AGM. We all know that these type of meetings are necessary so thank you to everyone who did attend.

The club looks to be in good hands.

For those of you who were unable to attend we are still in need of someone to fill one final position on the Board. We need someone who will be responsible for taking the minutes at the meetings and being the “keeper of our papers”.


Isn’t it legally called “secretary”? :lol:

I enjoyed meeting some of you last night, it was a good time. And yes I do think that this club is in good hands as well. I think it is well on its way to bigger and better things. Glad to be a part of it.


that is all… :twisted:

hrm, wish i could have helped and attended this. . .work schedule keeps overlapping all of these meetings/events. . .