This is an excerpt from the proposed new bylaws (need to be voted upon by the members on Monday to take effect) that spells out, in General, the duties of the various Board positions.
The current Board has slightly different positions that these.
Here is an “English” version of what the Board does:
The President makes sure everyone else on the Board does their job and runs the meetings.
The Vice President covers for the President and helps him out
The Secretary keeps the records of the club and makes sure they get passed on to the next secretary. This includes taking and keeping proper minutes of the meetings
The Treasurer keeps track of the money and reports this to the Board and the Members so we all know where the Club’s money is and what we have spent it on.
The Event Registrar tracks who is coming (and who has paid in conjunction with the Treasurer) to Club events like Track Days, Dyno Days, etc. No role for Event Registrar for meets like BBQs and Cruises.
The Communications Coordinators are responsible for making sure the web site doesn’t suck and that the members have sufficient notice of events.
The entire Board is responsible for making decisions collectively.
The Board and volunteers from the general membership run the events.
Here is the legalese from the Bylaws.
- Duties of the Board
a. President
i. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all Committees. He/she shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the Club and of the Board. In his/her absence, the Vice President shall preside at any such meetings. In the absence of both, a member in good standing shall be elected at the meeting to preside.
b. Secretary
i. It shall be the duty of the secretary to attend all meetings of the Club and of the Board, and to keep accurate minutes of the same. He/she shall have charge of the Seal of the Club which whenever used shall be authenticated by the signature of the Secretary or the President, or, in the case of the death or inability of either to act, by the Treasurer.
ii. In case of the absence of the Secretary at a scheduled or unscheduled meeting, his/her duties shall be temporarily transferred to another member in good standing appointed by the Board. The Secretary shall have charge of all the correspondence of the Club and be under the direction of the President and the Board.
iii. The Secretary shall keep a record of all the members of the Club and their addresses, and send all notices of the various meeting minutes and above member information to the President.
c. Treasurer
i. The Treasurer shall receive all monies paid to the Club, including membership fees and be responsible for the deposit of same in whatever Bank, Trust Company, Credit Union or Treasury Branch the Board may order.
ii. He/she shall properly account for the funds of the Club and keep such books as directed by the President.
iii. He/she shall present a full detailed account of receipts, revenue, and disbursements to the Board and President whenever requested and shall prepare for submission to the Annual Meeting a statement duly audited of the financial position of the Club.
iv. The Treasurer will also submit a copy of the Club’s financial statement to the Secretary of the Club for the records of the Club.
v. All banking information, authorizations, and transactions can only be obtained or conducted by the signing authorities of the Club which shall be no less than two members of the Board.
d. Event Registrar
i. The Event Registrar is responsible for recording all registrations related to Club events and reporting such to the Board.
e. Communications Directors
i. The Communications Directors shall be responsible for management of the club web site and providing notices of club events and information to members in a timely manner.