another bush clip

bics… don’t take it to heart…

the articles used scientific facts to prove things correct or incorrect, right or wrong, or true or untrue… it wasn’t a political magazine commenting on things, it was popular mechanics releasing scientists and engineers to do studies… i would say it’s more unbiased than a government entity doing the research. of coarse nothing is unbiased as everyone has an opinion, but they did a pretty good job at explaining things the best they could. i’m not too proud or stupid… but i’m not going to assume that something other than planes caused that damage, there were eye witnesses that saw airliners flying… those planes were reported hijacked on that morning and the story unfolded infront of all of us that day… if it wasn’t planes then what happened to all the missing / dead people on those flights??? there isn’t a need to believe otherwise… typically when planes in the past have crashed the pilots do their best possible to slow it down and ease into a crash landing… they were forced to fly head on full speed into these buildings (and shanksville)… nothing of this fashion has happened in the past to use as comparison.