ahhahhahahaha “How do you want to Die: we dont die , we get reincarnated bitchesss”
thats funny to me for some reason… o well
ahhahhahahaha “How do you want to Die: we dont die , we get reincarnated bitchesss”
thats funny to me for some reason… o well
I somewhat agree, if you get straight A’s, are a good kid, never get in trouble blah blah, then ok, buy your kid a car if you can afford it, but it doesnt have to be some super powerfull STI that he will most likly crash and die in. I dunno I’ve worked my ass off for everything I have, if sombody offerd me a car like that id probably sell it so pay my bills lol…i cant afford the insurance on that anyways.
LMFAO :lol:
Buying your kids expensive things like vehicles is fine. As long as they aren’t all snobby and brag about it. Or act like a complete tool like this kid seems to be. Plus he’s way too young to have something like that.
Maybe he really doesn’t like his son, and is trying for a fool proof way of killing him? If/when I have kids that age, their going to get a POS- so they know how to work on cars, and how to drive. A car with a worn out susension has a steep learning curve, with less danger than an overpowered car. If the kid does well in college, that’s when I’ll get them the car they want.
ROFL Great first post!
IMO if you do things like that to a car you should have your license revoked.
Nobody liked my car in high school. They all liked this bitches '94 PERIWINKLE TALON with HUB CAPS aftermarket WING and AFTERMARKET SUNROOF. It would be okay if she wasn’t such a complete bitch. Gosh was she nasty. GOODNESS GRACIOUS.
It’s ok, I knew my car was prettier.
:word: I can’t decide what’s uglier, him or his car. Aside from that he also looks like he’s 9.
For every kid that gets an sti at 16 im sure there are 4 others that get XLRs and SL600s
so :whogives:
I had the 94 civic in my profile as a senior in hs, my buddy had a black eg ex coupe, and my other buddy had a 94 red integra ls… we graduated in 02, i graduate college in 5 months… seems like it was yesterday. Point is that everyone thought our parents bought our cars, which was true for my two friends, but i bought mine cash, saved up for a while and sold my other civic to get my green one. Then some kid whose dad owned a dealership drove a brand new firebird trans am… ram air to school, everyone thought he was tool, quite funny actually.
My kids will buy their own stuff like I did, if they are in a jam and i am finicially well off i mean i would take care of them, but if they took me for granted I could easily not help them at all.
I would just get my kid a cheap ass 5 speed that way he can appreciate nice cars later in life
my parents only bought me one car…my s10 zr2. ive paid for everyother car i own…they help me out getting the loan and what not thought.
it’s the Top Secret STi shop car…
its not the kids fault he has money should he apoligize because his dad has a good paying job? if ur parents were pulling 250k a year i bet u wouldnt turn down a car if they offered it. its not that ur mad its that ur jealous. if ur paraents gave u a brand new car like this u would have a completly different atitude right now.
Im not one to stick up for jeg but he later said that if the kid earned it he deserves it. But in this case its safe to say the kid is a douche by all the shit that he said. Its one thing to be proud of your car its another to throw it in everyones faces with a snobby attitude.
But parents with $250K a year doesn’t even make you a rich spoiiled brat these days. Pikers, IMHO.
eh its ok, these are the same kids who can’t drive so u just laugh when they try to impress someone and fuck up in the process