Another Drag race accident!!!: Police: 7 Deaths in Early Morning MD Wreck

i think someone on here is a Albany Sherif posing as a ricer :crackup

now they know our plans!


i should go back and edit my post, 1 sec

i heard from an anonymous person that _________ PD as well as others snoop the local forums :ninja

yeah bro i agree with you . . .lets hope a majority of the people who go to kolh’s see this so we dont have a bunch of bullshit like we did last year… obv were all gonna race sometime or another, just be smart about it ya know?

yah… i edited my post, just to clarify that it was fake :lol

damn it he quoted it

and i quoted him :rofl


this makes me a sad panda we need a private approved members only section for SURE.

yah… like a verified members section haha

yeah we do, or you need to be a member with atleast 50 posts to view certain areas of the forum…

also heard they’ve seen all the videos that idiots post of themselves racing on here, certain ones are keeping an eye the shift518 rally too :ninja

doesnt bother me, i race - gotta catch me doin it, cause you have no idea whos typing on this keyboard. Muahahahaha :mwahaha

you’ve posted your myspace, have a picture of your car, and your name. :confused

i requested this earlier but got nothin :wtf

not a verified members section…atleast 50 posts or something because anyone can sign up and verify.

i could take a pic of you, and a pic of your car and make a fake myspace all about you. I could also write how many people you’ve killed and their names. What are they going to do about it?

its 2008, they can find out your IP address and prove where the computer your using is

ass lol

deff should have an approved members section . . .

ohhh… like a super secret underground street racer’s club?

it’s 2008, there are more legal loop-holes than ever