Another Drag race accident!!!: Police: 7 Deaths in Early Morning MD Wreck

hey guys found this on fox news
happened last nite in MD

ACCOKEEK, Md. — A car plowed into a crowd that had gathered to watch a drag race on a suburban road early Saturday, killing seven people and injuring at least four, police said.

The white sedan hit people standing on the side of Route 210 around 3:40 a.m., Prince George’s County Police Cpl. Clinton Copeland said. A tractor-trailer that came by shortly afterward may also have struck someone on the road as it tried to avoid the crash, he said.

“It’s probably one of the worst scenes I’ve seen,” Copeland said. “This is a situation that could have been avoided, and it’s a very tragic situation.”

Four people were taken to hospitals, Copeland said. Their conditions weren’t immediately known.

The driver of the car had been interviewed and did not appear to be seriously hurt, but a passenger was among the dead, Police Capt. Donald Frick said.

Route 210 has two lanes in each direction and traffic lights about every 150 to 200 yards in Accokeek, about 20 miles south of Washington.

Investigators were working to piece together the chain of events and had “more questions than answers,” Copeland said.


umm wait
who hit them?
one of the cars racing or another car who was doing what they were supposed to and plowed into RETARDS standing IN THE HIGHWAY!

People are fuckin retarted

So who won? I cant find it anywhere in the article.


it was all over the news today!!!
some good pics/vid of it

that sucks hope it was worth it…

Yeah it was all over CNN, apparantly the smoke from the race blocked view of the people on the highway and somebody plowed right into them.

Wheres these vid/pics

Yeah I guess the guy didnt have his lights on and the people all ran into the road and burnout smoke to watch the cars race…It was a family event from what I read. One lady claimed to have seen the car coming and grabbed her child out of the way but her husband or father wasn’t fast enough and got hit and killed :wtf

I believe it’s 8 confirm deaths atm.


this type of stuff gives a lot of people a bad name. :wtf

i would never stand on the side of a road while people street raced, that could have even been avioded even if they still raced, people loose control way to easy, its there choice to race int he street, but if your stupid enought to stand right next to the car that may or may not get loose, thats somewhat of your own stupidity

:haha ahhhahahhaha

this brings up a good point… lets get word out to not be retarded this summer, because as much as i dont give a shit about 90% of you :crackup i dont want to see anyone, or a group of people, get splattered by a car and have us all be looked at like “i told you so” from the rest of society… so we should really do something about idiots and racing.

my perspective is that i’m going to race, obviously… but last year it got rediculous on the extention. People parks/driving all over during races… on both sides, people coming late almost being hit by racers are they cross across 2 lanes where we make our runs… and then the cops show up and people drive down the ditches and lawns, almost hitting everyone standing all over the place

the muscle car guys have a good system, and they tried to get us to inforce it for ourselves for when we go down there becuase its not to say that nothing will happen, but theres less of a chance if we follow it.

They leave in small groups, slowly and quietley not so cause attention. They go PAST the first entrance on the extention and to the first blinking light (where the races start) they pull down in single file order all facing the same direction and park on ONE side with their lights off. The cars that are racing go to the BACK of the parking lots behind the extention and get in the order they are going to run. When its time to run and the coast is clear they pull out quickly, stage and go, stage and go… everyone watches and run ONE time, everyone gets back in their cars and carefully get back in line and drive normal back to KOHLS.

that is a picture perfect scenerio but i really would like to see things happen more so that way… the only problem is the kids we don’t know who just follow us and everything gets crazy.

now i’m just rambling… suggestions?

DISCLAIMER the previous post is fake! nothing said in it is real and none of the places mentioned are real!

Yeah, take that down and discuss in private so Colonie PD don’t know EXACTLY what we’re doing :rofl

colonie cant go to the extension. its partolled by Sherifs and Albany pd…

the reason the old guys with the muscle cars dont get called is because they have friends/family that work for Albany pd and they stay clear of it unless they get noise complaint calls. Dont ask how i know, i just do… as do some of you i’m sure

just sayin… follow their lead, you dont see cops called on them ever do ya? didnt think so

Yeah the muscle car guys are smart and they don’t have much trouble with the cops either, but its still a good idea to take that post down. :nod

bleh… who do you think the insider is? :confused


It’s a public forum, they dont even have to register to see this.