Another era in my life has ended.


dunno what to say, you’ll def be missed, but you better come back up here (over here?) and visit sometimes. Circle of Death won’t be the same without wonton :frowning:


i wonder if nyc realizes what a great person they are getting, and what a great person buffalo is losing

:tup: to getting a good job :tdown: to you leaving. It’ll def be different w/o you hanging out. But… unfortunately this is buffalo, and… for the most part it’s something we all have to do.

that sux, we will miss you bro, but congrats to you at the same time :tup:

Congrats Howie on the new job! With all the $$$ you’ll be making I’m sure the Galant will frequent the Kills section more often :smiley:

I guess this means we’ll have to have on last blast, to send you off the right way!!! :beer2: :beer2: :beer2:


Fucking awesome, congrats man1!!

good luck howie, it was nice meeting u. Plus NYC is 10101010202030v times better than this shithole anyways :slight_smile:


(i need a roommate)

Thanks guys…

here’s the deal - I’m planning on having like 4 or 5 going away parties to make sure everyone can make it to at least one lol

I’m going to be flying up a lot… flights are relatively cheap and I will miss my boys and girls… a lot = once a month or so.

I am gonna be moving back with my parents…

kinda really wierd to be moving back in after you’ve spent your last 7 years almost away from them… free…


Just got off the phone with my soon to be new boss…

it is now set in stone…

One month biatches…

it was hard keeping my mouth shut.

but now that its out


Good luck and all that jazz.

Hey man, congrats. Would have liked to have met you, I hear nothing but good stuff about this mythical “Howie” :rofl: Plus you kill with a grocery getter so that’s always :tup: in the book of Tom.

You’re viewing it inthe best way - as another “chapter” in your life’s book. You’ve got the pen now d00d. :slight_smile:

Best of luck in the apple.

congratulations on the job Howie… havent known you long, but you’re an awesome person, best of luck to you and the new job… I’ll miss ya :slight_smile:

Damn, everybody is out of here… good luck man. Are you going to keep the car while in the city???

Fuck yeah I’m keeping the car…

I wish you the best of luck… have fun and all that good shit.

:tup: :headbang:

your a fag

a big biggity fag

no one liked you here anyways

shit howie…truly sad. I’ll say it ahead of time now and I’m sure I’ll be saying it again, best of luck to you in NYC.

I’m still in shock…I’m going to miss you SOOOOO much!!!