Another era in my life has ended.

we’re gonna miss you man, theres been a countless number of good times. i can still hear sean mcphee calling you HOWARD in mgq, hahahaha. its gonna be one hell of a week long party before you go.

Congrats on the Job. Hope everything works out for you!

ahhhhhhhhh…nooo…congrats with everything…but damnit…this sucks. I am gonna miss the hell outta you. YOu better come visit as much as you say ur gonna :)…i’ll deff come out there a few times…hope everything goes great for you over there…

:gtfo: just kidding! Good luck and all that stuff. It was really nice to meet you!!!

Don’t forget our secret handshake lol. Now who’s gonna feed Juan and I unknown asian cuisine?

Congratulations on your big jump in life…hope to see you soon :tup:

Congradulations Howie!

But damn…first Toda…now you…I need to find me a new big asian guy to hang out with when I come back to Buffalo to visit…this sucks! damnit Howar’.

You’re… it’s a contraction of you and are


Congratulations Howie!!! :slight_smile:

I’ll miss you…

Congrats my friend… Now I have to interview someone to take your place… Thanks alot!! :wink:

nice! congratz, man…

hopefully u can find great success over there =)

Congrats on the job man. It sucks moving away from friends, but for $90 a flight, you aren’t that far away…especially with bling blang job in NYC.


Well we all know youll be back to visit, and we might be down for likewise in NYC. Well all miss ya bro! I am predicting one huge going away party!

can i see you naked b4 you leave?

:tup: Congrats bro :slight_smile:

shit, howie that sucks… for us. Congrats on the job though. Is this why you called me during sex lastnight? the g/f thanks you, i lasted longer as a result. even when i’m getting laid you make me think of you, that’s what i’ve always liked about ya.

Everytime i drive your old “sleepyjeep” i’ll be thinking of ya :tup:

Besides, did somebody say “Going away slip-n-slide party”?

Word, some farewell bruising is in order here :slight_smile:

This time, we go MXC (Most Extreme Challenge) style :wink:

peace out side

but dont be a stranger
my ex-roommate and best man. :slight_smile:

oh and Good luck with the job

:cry: x 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

i hope everything works out for you and you better come back to visit and get alot of them badazz ny city street racers on hurr too

:frowning: you know you will be missed by soo many of us…take care and congrats on the new job hun…keep in touch ok? bye bye :wave: