Another era in my life has ended.

hey man, glad to hear bout your new job. im glad i got to meet you, def a good and funny person, even if i was drunk every time i saw you :lol: best of luck to ya man.

YESSSSS…ANOTHER ONE!!!..that would be awesome

howie, good luck bro! man, this area is losing yet another good person… such a shame :frowning:

:tup: to doing what is right for you. good luck howie :smiley: Goodluck.

wow best of luck to you and congrats!!

you are definatly showing me around NYC soon. You better get some sweet haunts all picked out for us to get crazy in.

Good luck Howster. I’ve only met you at Mighty but you seemed like a character. Take care.

Howie, i wish you the best of luck with your new job and new life back in NYC

I’ve heard a lot of good things about you. Hopefully I can meet you before you leave, if not good luck!

Never got to meet you Howie…good luck with everything…:tup:

Man its too bad we’re gonna loose ya but congrats are in order for the new job. I wish you the best of luck. You’ll have to give us your digits when you get a NYC phone # so we can visit! I’m sure I’ll be seeing you before you leave.


Congrats Howie…you deserve it and have earned every bit of it. Best of luck to you!

you know, I think so…

:speechless: I don’t know what to say. I guess we’ll have a lot more NYC folks on here, which can’t be a BAD thing. Good luck on your endeavors. When you come back to visit, I’m sure you’ll have a place to stay (if not, you’re always welcome at Chez Pumice).


Congratulations Howie! I am proud of you. We will come and visit soon… and we will definitely be at at least one of your going away parties in Buffalo! :slight_smile:

congrats on the job hun…i will definitely come visit…like i promised.

man…im gonna miss you more than you know :frowning:

who am i gonna have cheek fart blowing goodbyes with and talk about…well…everything.

im happy for you and goodluck…keep in touch hun. :slight_smile:

i will miss you tons…XO

His current number already is a NYC “area” number :stuck_out_tongue:

^^^ lol i was about to say that…

Thanks everyone… I will definately miss you all… :frowning:

but I will still be on here, it is my baby :slight_smile:

And i wanna nurture it to be a big boy :stuck_out_tongue:

I dont know if i ever got the chance to hang with oyu but there is still time before u go…ill b 21 on monday so next time there is a party or somthin at O or w/e ill b there man…GOOD LUCK with the new job and stay safe!!!

no more thursdays eating sushi wit uncle Howie :cry: