Another guys' dog scratched my car...

lol depends if this guy takes my lowball offer or not, hahaha.

can you take a picture from alittle further away…??? and i can give you my blazer and cashhhhhhh

Dunno whats worse, the paint damage or your hang nails. :stuck_out_tongue:
It’s not as bad as I pictured but I’d still be pissed and lowball bad on the new whip. :slight_smile:

Pssst, I’m a welder and just got home from work.

I took ones from futher away first, but you can’t really see shit.
sec I’ll throw them up.

That one real dark one seems a little suspicious since it’s going about 90 degrees different than the rest. And the rest of them look like they would buff out.

Most of it looks like it will buff out. Maybe take a little scratchx to it yourself to get out the real easy stuff then get an estimate from Schmitts for the rest. Take that to the guy and see how he wants to handle it. Since you were invited on his property he is entirely liable for what his dog did.

could you take a picture of like the whole side of the car i just want to see how noticable it is…if i have to fix it right away IF i get it haha

can’t see it in a picture at all, too shiny.
but if you’re looking at the car, you can see the black scuff marks yaaaaa.

hopefully they buff out though.

Hum… he stopped responding to my emails after I sent him the pictures (he requested them).

Drop by in person. Not violence…just to be sure he got the pics and look him in the eye. Make sure that SOB dog is nowhere to be seen though.

Is this the car that ryanbgb22 wants to buy?

Those look like nothing. Im sure ryanbgb22 will buff them right out for you, seriously. The one looks like its missing some paint, but you can fix that easy enough.