Another guys' dog scratched my car...

So I live in Lancaster, so I drove out to see a guy in Pavilion (near batavia)…

When I get there, his dog comes running right the fuck up to me (unleashed) in my car… Barking up a mother fucking storm… So he comes out, and tells it to quiet down, blah blah.
Then I move around in my car to shut off my gps and pocket my phone, and it starts barking again then jumps on my car (I’m driving my camaro w/ windows down+tops off) and puts it’s paws up near the window rubber, then all the way down the side.
I’m not sure how many times it jumped on it, but I think it was twice.

I got out of the car, looked at it… kinda looked at it and shrugged it off… I was totally clueless on what I should do… Do I yell at the guy? Or what? So I shrug and then talk about the car he is selling.
So I take it for a test drive (his car), blah blah… trying to think about what I should do.

Then after I give the keys to his car back to him, I’m like thanks, maybe talk to you later… then he goes inside, and I sit out trying to see if the damage will rub off. It looked like some of it was just from the Dogs pads of his feet, because it was just these thick blackish marks that look like when you take your shoe across a tile (or gym floor or whatever).
Not all of it came off, it may buff out.
But what I’m concerned about, are scratches to the paint about 1" long, and maybe 1/8" wide. All the way down to bare metal…

He saw me out there like 5-10 minutes later after we said bye, and came out and was like uhh hay, you want some rubbing compound?
I was like meh, I don’t know…

Obviously, I’m selling the car and now there’s damage to it, so that’s not going to help my case any.

So I get in, drive home… when I got home (a few mins ago), I looked and it looks a little bit worse than previously thought… lots more black marks near the door handle as well, and more scratches.

I know I can just get some touch up paint… But what the fuck is the point of having a great paint job, if you have touch up paint all over the door panel?

Do I go after the guy for the cost of professional paint? How do I prove it? Or is it my fault for driving a car in to his driveway when he has an unleashed dog there that jumps on cars?
I took pictures right before I left his house, but they were on my iphone and really can’t show much.

I do want his car, but then again not for the price he’s asking.

Also, he may be on here! Weeee.
Even more fun.
He did have a stang in the driveway, didn’t look anything special though.

I don’t know what to do -.-
I’m typically overly nice and don’t want to be an ass to anyone, so this is a tough spot for me.

Take $ off the car you want to buy off him to compensate. He gets sale and easy out for damage, you get better deal on the car you want.

I was thinking about that, but how much do I take off?
I don’t know paint prices…

should I get it estimated then tell him?

Would his homeowners insurance cover something like that?
My car got hit by rocks when my neighbor was mowing and the damage was fully covered for me.

why don’t you see if a detailer/auto body shop can buff it out first, don’t jump the gun until you have someone who knows look at it. Wetsand and buff can get most scratches out, as long it isn’t past the clear cloat.

As I said, some are down to bare metal.
some are just surface marks…
But others are down to the metal

Plus, why do I have to take it to a dealer or shop and pay for it, if it’s some other guys fault?
Was I supposed to smack it in reverse and get the hell out of there when I saw a dog come running?

He has to have homeowners insurance, assuming he owns the home… Things like this are a good way of making use of that insurance premium we all pay for cars/houses/etc.

He would be cheaper/better off paying cash. Deductibles on home owners ain’t cheap unless you pay out the ass for your policy. Sometimes being nice don’t pay…I would make him pay for the repair out of pocket. Get an estimate and stick it to him.

Fucking shitty, I would say hey your dog just fucked my paint, what do you think about that? He probably fells more awkward then you do.

fuck it. throw a bag of flaming human shit on his porch. then murder his dog. fucker.

There are a lot of GOOD detailers on nyspeed. Contact one of them, they can probably get the scratches out.

Probably should have had the balls to tell him about it before you left. Although if he didn’t have the integrity to at least see if there was any damage himself after seeing you inspect it, he’s probably an asshole and would have argued it anyhow.

Shitty deal, but you should at least say something. ESPECIALLY if you go to buy the car off of him. Like someone else said, get an estimate, and take that price off the cost of the car. Bingo Bango, everyones happy.

You don’t always have to go for the throat right away. Call him and tell him that the scratches are going to require professional attention and you’re probably going to have to file a claim on his homeowners and see what he says. You don’t have to be all “pay for a new paint job or I’ll kill you!”

As far as deductibles, umm, since when do you pay a deductible on someone else’s claim? I’m pretty sure he won’t pay anything out of pocket.

As mentioned, I’d bet you could use it to negotiate more off the price of the car than it would cost to have a couple of dog-nail scratches fixed. :tup:

QFT. Good thinking.

home owners wont cover something like that. You should have raised it to him then cause now its going to be harder to prove the dog did all of that damage.

The easiest way for this to be settled would be to buy his car if you really liked it and have him knock down the cost some. otherwise talk to him about it and if it boils down to it sue him for the damages.

if your expecting visitors you should have your dog on a leash, in the house or on a tie out. It’s only proper.

The policy holder pays the deductible for a claim…not sure where it was insinuated that Hass would pay the deductible???
If the dude is rockin a $500 or $1000 deductible which are most common for home owners policies it would probably be more reasonable to come out of pocket. That was my point, if the above was in response to my post.

If the dog owner is a decent person he’ll feel awkward and offer to repair the damage with no pushing. If my dog did what you explained I’d be right over to offer reparations. Of course it would never happen to me, my dog is 100% on a leash and I’m maybe OVERLY responsible, to the point of being uptight. But only because I know I’d wanna whoop someones ass if their dog jumped on my ride.

One other thing…DOGS reflect/resemble their owners. If his dog came running and attacked your paint…HRMMM. This is not a wives tale…look at any dog, then the owner they are most bonded with. It’s kind of a natural phenomenon. LOL


thanks guys, ill throw up pics when i get home, since the lighting was shit when i got home.

P.s. I lowballed the shit out of the car saying i would save enough on the deal to fix the damage to the door for the next owner :o

i want that camaro lol do you still want my blazer? ill take it as is