Sister Scratched My Car... What to Do???

Im so pissed!!!

I decided to leave my car at my parents house a few nights ago in their garage (the garage because its safer than the driveway right) Wrong!!! I stumble in after a few drinks later that night, to see her friend with his studded belt leaning against my car with an friggin beer on the roof. Im drunk so I just yell at the kid and tell him to get off of it and stay away from it.

I go up to bed and wake up in the morning and pull the car out. I check the oil and as the sunlight hits the car I can see a very clear scratch identical to what a studded belt would make, about a foot long on my front left fender. In addition there is two scratches on the back door.

Now im pissed, I call her out and she completely denies it. (she already has a problem with lieing) I tell her she needs to fix it but she refuses. Now I want to file an insurance claim against their homeowners but first: I dont know if I can because MY car was in thier garage. And second: I dont want to bone my parents like that because its not their fault. I talked to them about making her pay, and they dont know what to do because they dont know who to believe even though she did get in trouble for having a party while they were away.

Would I even have a valid insurance claim against them, if I really have to take action? This is such a gaudy scratch and I just want it fucking fixed. WTF should I doooo??? Im on good terms with my parents for the first time in years so I dont wanna break a relationhip with them, but the bitch has to pay! I have already threatened her and told her if she dosen’t have it fixed by the end of the month she is gonna pay somehow but idk what I could do to her that wont piss my parents off too. (they are so protective over her because she is the youngest)

ib4 “tell her to make me years worth in smmichis to pay off the work.”


Get her to pay it back in sexual favors… DUH

well you saw the kid do it, talk to your rents, see what they say.

pics of your sister?

I told them… and she says im just making it all up. I did not exactly see him do it and she did make a valid point about how short he would have had to be if his waist was at my fender (car is pretty low and he is around 5’10) but still, I know the scratches were not there when I left the house that night.

OMG… thats my revenge right there… I know a kid who has nueedzz of her… ill post them up here if she dosent pay… you are amazing viper966… but eww… that means id have to see nueeddzz of her… uhh bit of an impasse here

Post them anyways.
As payback for doing it then lieing to your parents.
Then when she pays shoot her the link.

um, i would hope she is over 18 if you are posting nudz of her on here…

inb4 newman

pics of your sister on your car?..please?

Simply start stealing some of her clothes and burn them, throw them away, whatever.

Make sure NO ONE knows. Steal a shoe, a belt… etc. You’ll have to pay for the scratch unless you pawn the clothes…

Also, your sister has nudes? That’s awesome, I hope they are hardcore, and I REALLY want to see them.

what the hell


Firebomb the kids house?

1)get scratches fixed
2)ask her her to pay
(possible 3) garage sale/ebay her shit until debt is payed)

Like a debt collector, repo that bitches shit


find a way to give her AIDS, that will teach the bitch !

and then go take the fags studded belt and beat him with it.

and oh yea, usually vehicles aren’t covered by home owners unless its special circumstances, vehicles are supposed to be independently insured.

get the kids name and take him to small claims, start an ins claim now as a back up plan for later.

Why is she paying when you saw a guy scratch your car, make him pay.

buff the scratches out and deal with it?

I can help you buff the scratches out if there not past the paint or clear coat.

  1. Get estimate of cost
  2. Use sundowners ratio to put cost into blow jobs - $60:1 Beej
  3. unzip pants, make her start sucking until sundowner ratio is met.

If she is really good this should only take 15 minutes of her time, and you’ll be a changed man. Also if she is really good may I have her number? Thx.

or fuck her in the ass w/o lube until she cries. I bet she won’t let anyone scratch your paint anymore :slight_smile: