got backed into today

well just seeing what you guys would do… some old didnt see me behind his car when he was trying to make a illegal left and had his car half way in the street so he decided to back up into my car and scratch it.

well my friend who has a body shop was going to give me a estimate but he quickly buffed and wet sanded just a tad and about 90% came out. There is a still a little crack and scrape left.

So my question, the guy didnt want to go thru insurance seeing it was pretty small ,so we exchanged info and he said he would pay for it. Do i actually take it to the body shop and get it all fixed even though its barely noticable or do i give the guy a break.

Wow man, you just can win with your minor auto related scuffles lol.

Idk, it was his injustice to your car. Id make him pay up. If its that much cash for him to shell out, that is what insurance is for.

What is that next to you and your bitches? AIDS?

If it came out 90% charge him 20% of what it would have cost to repair it. That way you get the 10% damage plus 10% extra for your troubles.

That’s if he doesn’t play games with you or try and screw you. If he gives you a hard time, give it to him hard. Full price for douchebags! LOL

I say the samething. Lol little scratches these days are pricey if you take it to a collision shop.

yeah thats pretty fair if your going to make him pay.

its probably like 100-200 dollar fix, if the paint didnt crack i wouldnt of cared because the scratch is pretty little now after buffed and wet sanded out.

So… have your buddy fix it? Considering he already looked at it and managed it a little bit, give him the job and let him get some cash in his pocket? If its a little job, I’m sure it won’t cost the guy an arm and a leg, so you are really helping both people out.

Looks like they are all farting.

This is funny, because I was going to post a topic about the same thing but decided not to.

I was sitting in my car at my girlfriends work… She told me she was going to be a little late, so I was liek aww wtf… so I leaned back the seat, closed my eyes… and eventually fell asleep.

So then all the sudden my car goes whammmblaambooom and i get all shaken around… I figured my girlfriend got in the car and slammed the door or something (maybed gained 300lbs since I last saw her?), I get up and I’m like wtf woman. Then I relaize there’s a big ol prius on my front bumper.
So I’m still kinda half awake, thinking what just happened?
Then the lady pulls foward and makes a right out of the parking lot (was at supercuts across from wallyworld on transit).
Got her plate number and shit, but my front bumper was already a little banged up from other shit that happened to it 2 winters ago.
Figured I had nothing… I had her plate and stuff, but wtf would that do?
She just made more cracks in it… not like I can prove it, and her car was black (same as mine)…
Looked like some 30ish year old woman.
Girlfriend said she didn’t leave her work, so she had to of been getting her nails painted -.-

oucch that sucks but at least the guy had no where to go , he was actually in the road so had to back up and of course i was behind him… first thing i say when he gets out of the car " maybe you would have made that turn if there wasnt a no left turning sign there and hes like o ya" guy was ok but fucckk it pissed me off…

p.s. stop hating on my sweet artistic skills!

Use your friend to get it fixed properly. You dont want to cheap out and have it rust over or something a year from now and be on your own. I

charge him whatever it takes to get the car back to the condition it was in before he hit it.

It’s your choice if you use that money to fix the car or not.

I’d make him fix it.

Somebody hit me a month ago in the parking lot and took off. I guess in VA if the damage is less than $700 you are not required to leave a note or wait for the person… fuckers (I also don’t know if that is a legit law, just have been told that).

he is deffintly paying for it but i went to the ghetto shop he sent me to today ( not naming the name) but i pretty much just left and im calling him back in a little and saying the shop down the road is doing it for 150. This guy thinks its just going to buff out, well theres no clear coat left and theres a crack in the paint .

ghetto shops are good! jk btw were you at losson park yesterday ? (no stalker)

nope not that i can recall

So let me get this straight, someone hit you because of their own stupidity and you’re thinking about “helping them out” by not getting you car fixed 100%?

Fuck that. Take it to a reputable shop that will fix it right and give him the option of paying out of pocket or going through his insurance. If he cries about his deductible tell him maybe if he’s going to be so careless as to not look behind him when backing up he should carry a lower deductible.

PS… about a year after we bought our house the neighbor across the street backed into my wife’s car that was parked in the street. He felt awful, we had the car professionally fixed, his insurance paid and we’re all still great friends 7+ years later. You carry insurance because sometimes you fuck up, and so you don’t have to be ghetto and go, “uh, do you think you can half ass fix your car that I fucked up so I can just throw you a little cash”.

didn’t you just get this, too?

Similar thing happened to my sister where lady reversed into her front bumper. Minor scrape with no cracks but I told her fuck it get the $$

The lady decided not to go thru her insurace and so I got 2 estimates done the same day. Next day I came over her house and we went to the ATM where she withdrew the cash and that was that.