Sister Scratched My Car... What to Do???

get ahold of said newdz, and blackmail her by threatening to show your parents. that will get her attention :tup:

Anal beads… shove them in her ass while she is sleeping and rip them out like you are starting a lawnmower

This made me ROFL

But really. If you saw some studded belt wearing fag scratch the car shouldnt he be paying for the damage?

And to explore the part where you said he was 5’10 and the scratches were kinda low on the fender. Maybe the belt was at some point at scratch level if you get my drift.

If you dont perhaps this incredible diagram will explain it: gay studed belt wearer ---- > :suckoff:<------your sis.

Just a theory.

And yes. i know im an asshole

kill her that will show everyone then post before and after n00dz

Hook her up with The_Russian. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.


I’ll buff it out!

a studded belt isn’t going to scratch the paint down to metal. It’ll probably buff out.

No big deal.

sisters sucks

omg LOL

that would be hilarious

:cry: :purextc: :violin:

So a bag your sister was hanging out with scratched your car. :gotme: Just buff it out and let your sister know that if the studded belt fag touches your car again he’s going to get his ass whooped.

lol pink sock FTW

Would a bullet bet do it though?


they’re fucking bullets.

I don’t understand the problem with your sister, I’d go after the D-bag that was leaning on your car…

However, nudes should still be posted…


also, in4video of the moment you show your sister her own nudes on teh interwebs, focusing directly on her reaction.



I got some laughs and some positive input… the nudes thing is still an option but im liking the clothing sale… I don’t wanna go after the kid because it will just end up him denying it or something shitty like that. These kids are only seventeen and the only thing that I trust less than their unaccountability is their minimum wage jobs. He would never be able to pay to get it repainted and I don’t wanna chase him down. It was all on my sisters watch so im holding her responsible.

The scratch is past the clear coat too : (

post a pic of the scratch.

and of your sis.

  1. I’m sure you have already looked at the nudes … u know it
  2. post them
  3. the kid was CTN
  4. post pic