Sister Scratched My Car... What to Do???

o hey im here for the pics

[LEFT]hahahaha ILC kills me with every post

I dont know him in person, so maybe I cant relate but I find ILC in no ways funny. If making thoughtless “edgy” jokes in any OT post is funny, maybe… But to me he seems like a pretty watered down newman. I have been meaning to get that off my chest and what better place than in my own thread.

bump for pics? yes?

i could give her foot AIDS

call ni ni fi-fi fo fi fi ax for shanainai

I dont understand how that is whining… im sating that I dont find you funny at all :gotme:. But again, I dont really know you

my car got a scratch in it somehow, now i keep the alarm armed all the time, lift it up on the lift and lock out the breaker.

Adding to the popular request for teh nudez.

But seriously man, why should she pay for it? I would go knock that emo fggt around and make him pay for it. His belt. Then post nudes to get revenge on your sis for the aggravation. Seems fair.

I had a strange tingling sensation that i was needed…All i know is ball…good…and rape.

ok. You could beat bulletbelt’s ass.
THEN you could make a new username on here, named Bulletbelt.
Put his pic in the profile pic.
Then Bulletbelt could post teh newds.
THEN you could show your sister what bulletbelt did.
Then we would get said newds, bulletbelt would be bloody and beaten, and naked sister would never let bulletbelt over again!

omg LMFAO:bigclap: