Another Inspection/Registration question (Pauly chime in, lol)

could be, its a 99, either way at least get it scanned to see what it is, if its a maf or something that costs a few hundred send me a pm and ill see what i can do price wise

It fails if :
Vehicle has no muffler, exhaust pipe, tail
pipe or tail spout. Vehicle has gutted, altered
or patched muffler.
Vehicle has exhaust noise appreciably greater
than mechanical noise of fan and valves

thats only for downstate NYTEST system where they do a sniff test. Up here in upstate we have NYVIP and no tail pipe test

damn :frowning: lol

actually you are sorta right. I just double checked the updates the exhaust stuff you are quoting are in regards to medium duty vehicles

Medium duty vehicle=
This section contains additional requirements for the inspection of vehicles with maximum gross
weights over 10,000 pounds up to and including 18,000 pounds, which shall be known as
medium duty vehicles

Fuck my windshield crack is more than 11 inches :tdown:

everyone loves testing you Pauly. I just sit back and laugh. Not like you do this for a living or anything…:mamoru::eekdance:

Pauly you missed it
2. Inspect windshield and other windows for
cracks or sharp edges.
2. Windshield or other window is broken or
has exposed sharp or jagged edges

Its the sharp edges.You cant check them if they dont roll down.
