Cal, I’m trying to seek medical attention ASAP. I just had a conversation to Chris, as well as 2 of the other 3 passengers I had.
They all remember what happened before I drove up the Harwood bridge, while I was on the Harwood bridge, and after I drove down the Harwood bridge, leading to the accident.
The problem I have, is that I CAN NOT remember what happened WHILE I was on the bridge, and while I was going DOWN the bridge.
All I can remember is changing lanes to avoid a stalled truck, driving up the bridge // my friend in the passenger seat telling me “red light”, slamming on the brakes, and hitting the truck.
The problem I can’t get over is what happened while I was ON the bridge and driving down the bridge.
The guy in the passenger seat told me that I sped up a little for the uphill, since growing speed with increased engine load makes me CEL come on, I drove up the bridge, shifted to a higher gear, then went down the bridge, completely missing the red light and that’s when he yelled “red light”.
Ok, so you see that italicized part above this? I cannot remember any of it except him yelling “red light”.
My other passengers told me the same thing, so I technically know what happened.
The thing is, I can’t remember any of it. I have absolutely no recollection of it. My vision was BLACK until he said “red light”, when it was too late, slammed the brakes anyway, but all I saw was my hood fold up and my windshield crack.
And when I say ‘black’, I don’t mean all I could see was the color black, what I mean is I don’t even recall the visuals or the sounds from the events leading towards the moment my friend said “red light”.
I know my post might look a little fucked up, unorganized or confused, but I feel so fucked up right now. I’m feeling so many things right now… My room is ice cold since the A/C is on, but I’m sweating the a pig, my palms are sweaty too, my eyes are looking all over the place, I’m breathing heavily, I feel both confused, scared, hot, depressed and sad… I have to see a doctor as soon as possible.