Another one bites the dust

weaksauce, have you had a medical done on yourself lately? If not get a full check up soon. And i dont mean after you been out of the hospital for whiplash and bruises kind of deal. i mean the whole, unfocused line of site shit and “seeing only sky” stuff man.

We’ve butted heads before but sucks to see your second 1 go like this. Randy’s just being a huge douchecannon so dont worry about him.

I agree Cal. He is and yes Mig take his advice and mine. Go see a doctor.

On a lighter note, you coming to the meet tomorrow Cal?

You are a faggot. There is nothing more to say. You are just a fucking faggot. Let alone what a disaster your car or any car you have every owned are. Kill yourself

Cal, I’m trying to seek medical attention ASAP. I just had a conversation to Chris, as well as 2 of the other 3 passengers I had.

They all remember what happened before I drove up the Harwood bridge, while I was on the Harwood bridge, and after I drove down the Harwood bridge, leading to the accident.

The problem I have, is that I CAN NOT remember what happened WHILE I was on the bridge, and while I was going DOWN the bridge.

All I can remember is changing lanes to avoid a stalled truck, driving up the bridge // my friend in the passenger seat telling me “red light”, slamming on the brakes, and hitting the truck.

The problem I can’t get over is what happened while I was ON the bridge and driving down the bridge.

The guy in the passenger seat told me that I sped up a little for the uphill, since growing speed with increased engine load makes me CEL come on, I drove up the bridge, shifted to a higher gear, then went down the bridge, completely missing the red light and that’s when he yelled “red light”.

Ok, so you see that italicized part above this? I cannot remember any of it except him yelling “red light”.

My other passengers told me the same thing, so I technically know what happened.

The thing is, I can’t remember any of it. I have absolutely no recollection of it. My vision was BLACK until he said “red light”, when it was too late, slammed the brakes anyway, but all I saw was my hood fold up and my windshield crack.

And when I say ‘black’, I don’t mean all I could see was the color black, what I mean is I don’t even recall the visuals or the sounds from the events leading towards the moment my friend said “red light”.

I know my post might look a little fucked up, unorganized or confused, but I feel so fucked up right now. I’m feeling so many things right now… My room is ice cold since the A/C is on, but I’m sweating the a pig, my palms are sweaty too, my eyes are looking all over the place, I’m breathing heavily, I feel both confused, scared, hot, depressed and sad… I have to see a doctor as soon as possible.


Wow buddy, as if you’re in any position to talk shit… Your last failmatic coupe was a complete POS that you did fucked up shit with, you were LUCKY for not getting into an accident. Now you drive an auto tragic S14? Give the guy some respect and shut the fuck up, he was through a fucking accident. Dickhole.


thats shitty man.

at least your not hurt too bad. could have been a LOT worse.

sounds like you were distracted by something/someone or experiencing tunnel vision.

Maybe one of the chicks was jerkin you off from behind, and you were just about to bust and your buddy ruined it by yelling “red light”

Sucks to here bro, good thing you slowed down enough to not have a fatal impact. Luckily it was a truck and not another nice s-chassis

thats freakin scary… I mean that fact you remember little, don’t remember seeing the intersection until you were in it…

I might not go around telling people this for fear of having my license revoked for medical reasons.

XSNRGE, you lucky son of a bitch!

I’m glad you’re okay. Hitting that fuel tank… I almost thought it would’ve engulfed everyone in the car in flames.

Go buy a lottery ticket.

We’re all glad you’re okay. Don’t worry abouyt DJ Infiniti…he’s a clown.

S13GG, I know I may have my license revoked, that’s why I’m trying to see my doctor as soon as possible.

My friends and family have been telling me that it was a combination of many things, sleeping late, waking up late, big breakfast and little or no lunch, less-than-par brakes, shitty tires (Merit, I’ve never heard of the company), stress, etc.

glad to hear your okay man, definitely seek medical evaluation…

we don’t want any blackouts like that happening again for the future. It’s strange how a few people I know have had the same situations with blacking out and not remembering what happened before or after accidents.

wow man that sucks. remember when i gave you free tail lights. lol, sucks that the balls dont roll in your court… and randy rashieeed is still in high school so dont listen to him, and one time he tried to drift and hopped a curb infront of his house.

Its cause your body goes into shock most likely you knew that you were going to hit the truck but your body/brain went into shock and now you cant remember nor could you have done anything about the accident…

That’s what is driving me insane… Why did my shit go into shock? I don’t even remember seeing what the intersection looked like…

TIP: anyone who sees my car at Standard Auto Wreckers, Dom’s or Ajax auto wreckers, there’s 4x6 Alpine Type-S’s all around. I didn’t get a chance to take them, so feel free.

Mig, you take your meshies? :confused:

shit man did u atleast take most of the parts of the car before they took it?

Its fucked up but shit like this happens…cant really explain it

Chris, its impossible for me to get the wheels, the front driver’s side is being held up by the wheel, plus, I only have pneumatic tools, no electric impact gun bs.

Mike, I got my deck and sub + amp. The 4x6 speakers are still in the car. I also took my button/switch deck.

The rest of the shit can be replaced/repurchased.