Another one bites the dust

wow…good thing the tank didn’t burst into flame and you and your friends are alive. car is jut money but lives are priceless.

If you have seen the racial comments he has said to me. Then you would understand. I used to talk shit, and now i don’t, and whoever has met me can probaly say im not immature or something.

It’s just that the way i seen him driving, just plain stupid! Cutting lanes ect. Like i said im not ignorant to his conditions but i felt that just like everyone was on Adam, and Geetesh’s case, that they should understand that he doesnt drive correctly. I don’t follow them sometimes but most of the time i do.

So, everyone that sits at home all day, and reads this thing. Keep commenting, i will as i see these comments.

By the comments you made on this thread alone, you’re a virgin loser. By what people in this community have told me, you’re a virgin loser. By how you’ve dealt with me, you’re a virgin loser. Face it, you’re a fucking loser.

If you think that my comments don’t have any merit, by all means tell me. If you’re pissed off and want to tell me to my face, let me know the time and place - I’ll be the guy that shows up alone

^lol, BURN-SKI!

Time to get tha popin corn poppin, end of summer drama ftw!

On a more serious note, Xsnrge, I honestly hope everything works out for you man, this is just another road block in life. If you really love 240’s, then don’t let this shit get you down. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone gets shit from it, but the best part is you learn. Wither it’s a mistake, or just a series of unfortunate events. It’s like your old sig “Do it right or do it twice”. Maybe you need to change up your style/game plan with the s-chassis a bit? Since you’ve gone through 2 pignose hatches, time for a coupe? :stuck_out_tongue: Also, like others have said, cars and shit can be replaced, lives can’t.

Your king Osama looks like a dirty wizard or a homeless santa claus…

aaahaahahaha lmao Infinifail is a virgin loser lmfao and Hacknick shut your whoremouth the summer still got one more month!!! :open_mouth:

Haymakr…$40 and a pack of smokes

I havent met you. But from talking to you on the phone i can confidently say, you’re an immature virgin loser.

As for how he drives, didnt you jump a car from a parking lot down a hill and just end up exploding your front end?


best quote from that movie.

Despite your past difference, how could you possibly laugh at one’s misfortune - especially if it’s related to cars. That shows poor character and immaturity no matter how you cut it. If you were as mature as you claim to be - a simple ‘sorry to hear about that, call me if you need help with anything’ would have probably earned the respect of people reading this thread.

On a side note, HAHA, JLee broke his front bumper and tie rod at the track!

lool, shit, i ment its half way done!!

summary: Do not get into a car with XSNRGE…

lets leave it at that… if you guys have petty BS between you keep it off the forums… thanks.

and XSNRGE, you’re lucky to be alive and your friends are even luckier… be careful out there.