Another one bites the dust

Dam bro glad you still alive and well… this sucks as it is your second one to go like this…


I want to hear XSNRGEs side to the story. He obvoisly ran the red hard as the trucker accellerated through three gears from the red before he got hit by him


oh man what happened?

read the article?

wow fucked up 2 many 2 door nissans crashing lately…

I was driving over the bridge (traffic lights were at the bottom of the bridge) and I looked up. All I can remember was I had a feeling of lost peripheral vision, all I could see was the sky. I tried looking around, but nothing, my eyes were glued to the picture of the sky. My buddy in the passenger seat said “red light”, I smash the brake pedal as hard as I can, all of a sudden my ‘control of vision’ came back and all I saw was the fuel tank and ladder/steps thing on the truck for a split second, before I saw my windshield crack and my hood fold upwards.

Fortunately, myself, nor my other 3 passengers sustained any severe injuries. All we got away with was whiplash, bruised sides (lapbelt) and bruised shoulders (again shoulder belt). The passenger behind my seat hit her face on the back of my seat and suffered a bruise on the side of her face, and my buddy in the front passenger seat apparently punched the windshield with both hands (wasn’t holding on to the oh-shit handle on the door) and suffered a few cuts on his knuckles. The girl sitting behind the rear passenger didn’t whack her face on the back of the seat, but did just suffered from whiplash and mostly bruising to her lower abdomen, again due to the lapbelt part of the seatbelt.

All of us are recovering well with myself and the girl behind the passenger seat still having bruising and sore necks/legs.

All of us got out of the car with our own strength.

Its very fortunate that we all survived this, and that no one was severely hurt.

The four of us are still trying to figure out what went wrong, and what happened to me.

As for those who may be asking, none of us are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, nor were we using excess speed.

sucks man, good luck on another car.

jesus man that brutal, glad to hear that everyone made it out ok though.

i meant from his perspective, sorry but you’re not too bright if you believe everything you read

im a sheep like everyone else.

Wow, that’s shitty. Glad to hear everyone walked away from it. Cars can be replaced but lives can’t so think on the bright side. :slight_smile:

LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!! Whos the idiot driver now dipshit, Karma its a bitch and half, you tell me how it is. Now hate the hindu’s.

BTW, i havent totalled any cars yet.

Also, as much as i dont like you im happy you guys came out ok.

XSNRGE Driving Record: Owned:2 cars Totaled:2 cars

dam randy lay off the poprocks… give the dude some respect for his situation.

Randy, you’re a cocksucking piece of shit with no respect for anyone. You also think you’re better than everyone. You always were this way and always will be and try to start shit with everyone when you’re just an e-thug. In reality you’re some nerdy little shit who gets his daddy to come with him to meets and sales and purchases. Putting a person down when something like this happens. I can not wait till you total your auto-fail multi-coloured S14 heap of shit that’s still auto and always will be. Also don’t accuse a person of being racist when he is not. Don’t make me bring up THE old thread again, we all know how bad you got roasted before and pretty much everyone on SON can’t bring up your name without a good chuckle, and therefore no one on this site and most likely other logical human beings other than Mistah_Shotta and gtprince can put up with you but they HAVE to because they’re family.

First and ONLY time I have used this image.

Holy shit man … i feel for you.

and yea… Stiky’s right, haha

Mig, Glad to hear you’re okay.

i know the feeling of crashing in an s13 and i mean a real big crash were you look at the car after and people say how the fuck are you not dead. it’s a scary experience

And yes I’m glad you’re fine mig. Hopefully all goes well. Maybe it was a message to move on from the 240 scene.