Another one bites the dust!!!!!!!!

so i got my car totaled last knight. was happed was i was going north while someone tried comin out of a gas station to get on the south bound lanes. and i got hit from the side. dam woman cant drive. its most likely a right off. man im so pissed didn’t even have the car for a whole year. all i can think about is the next one im gonna get.


take some pics and post them. We can tell you if it is a write off

Well that sucks, sorry to hear.

If it is a write-off, I guess just get what you can out of it and shoot for something nicer… :slight_smile:

sorry to hear man, make the best out of it.

not cool sorry to hear. hope you buy another 240!!!

ye it sucks… insurance wants to write it off… though i wont be a getting a next 240 yet… kinda going for a supra now

After reading that I hope you didn’t have to fill out your own police report…

Sorry about your loss though.

sorry bout your ride man!! but yeaa totally!! a supra would be sick!! which gen?? mk3? mk4??

lol ya i had to write my own report…and it would be an mk3 supra.

i will dissown you if you leave the s chassis until you come back but yeah that sucks good luck with gettin a new car weather it be a supra or s13-14

If your going to tell a stupid story at least post some pictures to support it.

lol ^ thx for the reminder… stupid…
well insurance is sure taking them mofo time on calling me back and i have yet to decided between a s13 or a supra…